You have a question? Just ask. Do not assume that you must seek outside of yourself for wisdom. All wisdom is accessible on the wireless web of consciousness. What you call your mind is a pattern of experiences within a vast and limitless mind from which all experiences arise. Mine this Mind by sitting quietly, trusting that answers will arise when you ask them specifically and directly of this higher consciousness, and ask. And then, listen. Listen for what you do not know to arise and stand out from what you do know. It is that simple.
You are so very loved.
What you do not know, stands out BECAUSE you do not KNOW it. And, the likelihood of something you do not know, being what brought about your conundrum, is also the answer, brought to you through your Conciousness. In what sounds confusing is only because you had not listened to what your Conciousness was trying to tell you. Either you did not hear, or you decided to refuse to abide in your Conscious life for that answer to reveal itself. KNOWING only happens IN the Conscious-living part of life. You are only ABLE to KNOW in your Conscious being. It IS YOU.
So ask your self – who or what was it that you were listening to instead, that was not meant for your honest and honourable reality?
Lovely words “Mine this Mind”
There’s gold n diamonds in them thar hills…