You speak of following breadcrumbs, for they seem to lead a trail back to the source of nourishment. Do you know that your Source leaves you breadcrumbs all the time? Are you paying attention? They come in many forms—these signs that you are connected to the font of love, beauty, intelligence, and all of the other qualities you know in your heart are your birthright. To see the crumbs, you must take off the blinders that have appeared across your eyes thread by thread as you believed the stories that you are anything less than magnificent. Take off those blinders easily with the intention to follow the crumbs by your heart instead of your head.
You are so very loved.
The breadcrumbs are marked, for me, by a feeling of expansion warm in the heart.
Everyday is a breadcrumb, as is every hope or wish or aim. You watch them disappear and watch them manifest. You watch your input and your output. You see the help you received and the help you rejected, the help you gave and the help you refused to grant. You see your grace and your foibles. You see that from which you came and to which you return. It is grounding and growth. It is you, connected.
Blessings to you & Ty…as a “.newby” to your site. ( I think I caught you on next level Soul ) I immediately signed up for your app and have shared it with many friends and family members…thank you for your incredible service in the tradition of Ram Dass….Love. Serve. Remember & Be Here Now , I am humbled & grateful for all you do
I love you Sanaya and Suzanne. Thank you for sending me what I most needed to hear today!