Do not judge by appearances. This you know, but we are speaking now of judging others’ reactions about yourself. Does it matter? If they are smiling, do you feel better about yourself? If they are frowning, do you withdraw and worry that you have done something wrong? Would you like to be less reactive to others? Find the place within yourself that does not react. Yes, this state exists. It is the state of Freedom. Of Peace. Of Joy. It is you, beyond the story. It is always and already here, and when you rest in this placeless state you will know you have arrived … Home.
You are so very loved.
Dear Suzanne,
First, I wish you a very happy, healthy and light-filled New Year.
I read your life-giving daily messages each and every day and they are truly a gift for which I remain ever thankful for.
These pieces of information are always pertinent to the matters in my life. How grateful I am that these enlightening insights are helping me to grow spiritually. Thank you and bless you one hundred fold, Suzanne. .