How well aware are you of your body? When you are hungry, you eat. When you are thirsty, you drink. When it is cold, you put on more clothing and vice versa. The challenge comes when you become a slave to the body’s cravings. Pleasure and pain are major motivators. Please notice that the body can be maintained in a lovely state of balance quite easily, feeding, watering, and clothing it to maintain comfort, but it is when you do any of these things to extreme, then you experience the wild swinging back and forth. As with all of life in the physical body, balance is the key. Once you become aware of center vs. extremes, you will come to find that you can have your pleasures and still remain close to the center.
You are so very loved.
Namaste Suzanne, I want to thank you for this message. I’ve been trying to /move/ my life forward, but going about it the difficult way. I know Peace, but have not learned the value of Peace, of Stillness. ‘Being Still in my Center’ is what I can focus on, rather than trying to pull/push my life around.
That is the way, Bailee. Surrounding you with awareness.
Dear Sanaya, please address the crises we are facing.We are in this 3D world experiencing very dangerous developments.
I read your notes daily.
It seems that the earth is repeating the same cycle of violence and hatred.
What are you allowed to do to get us out of this cycle?
How many wars do we,have to live through?
When will racism be cleansed from the earth?
What is the point of living on the earth if it doesn”t improve?
When we as Source return to the spiritual world after each incarnation are we held accountable for having learned anything?
It seems like we are born into the same ignorance each time we return to the earth.
I understand that we have free will.
We need more active guidance when we are here.
Dear Lilian, I asked your questions in meditation today and will post the reply as a video on YouTube later today.
I have these questions too so I look forward to your video.
I’m trying the automatic writing you suggest. I asked why we still have war. The response I received was “Once upon a time begins fairy tales. They aren’t real but teach a lesson. This is real. You don’t learn until you are put to the test. You make a choice and learn from the results. Not all choices are good so not all results are good. We haven’t figured out a better way to help souls learn. You can protest but don’t fight reality.”
The next day I asked about evil. The response was “You ask difficult questions. Why evil? The design would not work if we tried to control certain thoughts and behavior. It’s like trying to control what you write. It soon becomes gibberish. We are sorry for the suffering caused by things like war. It can stop. It’s a choice.”
Trust the words when they speak to the heart, Kathy. Blessings.