Is it essential? What is the root of this word? Essence. Your true nature is your essence. We are not speaking of the body or the mind, but that which is aware of both. A backpacker knows to carry only what is essential. If not, they become tired quite easily and the journey becomes more difficult. What is essential to you on your journey? We are not speaking of getting rid of luxuries and the like, but examining the extra baggage that tires you. Begin with thoughts and beliefs. Question what you believe to be reality versus the very essence of the self where peace reigns. What thoughts and beliefs can you discard to uncover what is essentially true?
You are so very loved.
Love the analogy of backpacking. What are my essentials?
“Enough is plenty.”. Much easier to think about material goods, than inner thoughts. :)
Thank you, Suzanne for your beautiful messages.
You are so loved!
Love and light ?,
Tonie Bowden
I feel it, Tonie, thank you!
Hi Suzanne
I consider myself to be an intuitive empath.
Motivational/Influencer is what I enjoy in my career. I asked my Dr who he sees when he is sick because I am always curious about these things. When I need spiritual knowledge and awakening,I come to God and then to you and your words of wisdom. I often struggle with following my own advice that I give to others.(Practice what you preach scenario)
As am empath I sometimes have to figure out if what I am feeling at the moment are truly my feelings or someone else’s. Life is much more difficult when we live outside of ourselves. What we need to be truly at peace in a world of chaos is to look inside. We will never be truly happy or content with things out side of us untill we are at peace inside. You need to learn to love yourself because no matter where you go There you are?Prayer,meditation and your beautiful inspiration is where I go when I need healing. I am so grateful our paths crossed and I will always count you as one of my many blessings in life.?
Such lovely words, Debbie. Thank you so much for sharing your being in such a heart-warming way. Returning the love to you!