The following essay was written by my dear friend and scheduling assistant, Lynette Setzkorn, after the passing of our mutual soul sister, Brenda Bollmann Baker. I have been in near-daily contact with Brenda across the veil. Read Lynette’s amazing and important words about how we can make the most of our time here and live a life on purpose …
I asked Suzanne if she’d heard anything from Brenda about her life review. It’s such a common thing with near death experiencers and shows up over and over in books and articles about what comes after. It’s seemed to be a mandatory part of moving from here to Here (there’s no “there,” no other world … Brenda’s been adamant on that point).
And you know how it goes. We take that last breath and we’re immediately ushered into a kind of movie theater or we just see it all playing out before us and we re-experience our entire lives in an instant. All of the feelings we had about this human experience, every emotion we encountered, our own or someone else’s, everything we did and how that impacted our fellow travelers.
We get to re-feel ALL of it. Every experience of interacting with people, those we loved deeply and those we never recognized as Love in its most unlikely incarnation. We feel it. Intensely. What was done to us and why. What we did to ourselves and why. Everything having to do with the meat suit life is put on instant replay.
Wheeeee! Amiright? Who wants that? Once was enough for me. I’ve worked my ass off in 12 step programs, have done major MAJOR forgiveness work (of others and — especially — myself) to get free of all of that. Rolling the film of this life again? Not an inducement to want to hurry across the (“incredibly thin”) veil to Here.
So I was a happy woman to read Brenda’s experience of the life review, which was that it’s been a sort of a slow rolling occasional thing. No formal, intense surrounded-by-angels-to-catch-
So here’s Brenda in her own words via Suzanne. Read it and be happy. I was:
“So as for reviewing (she brushes a hand aside), it’s ongoing, but in a totally understanding way. No judgement, and since I no longer judge myself, there’s just total compassion for my story. Total. What a gift, Suzanne! What a gift! You all can give it to yourselves right now, if you want. Review your life right now and see every little foible, every little mistake, and yeah, the big ones, of course. We all have ’em. See them for what they are: absence of love. Ignorance. You know all that. So let me just say that you only need the life review if you don’t get it before you pass. Otherwise, it’s just an ongoing taking a look at how life works when you’re in a meat suit.”
People: we are DOING the work now! Freedom doesn’t have to wait. It’s here. Little “h” here. I know all of you know this and I know it too, but I never quite made the gut level connection between what we do to work through our human messiness right now and how that can get us on the express train to utter freedom once we quit breathing. I can’t write that without thinking of my indoctrination with the church’s never good enough version of sin and punishment, a hopeless prospect at best. And I’ve found immense freedom right here from clearing up the wreckage, as I know many of you have.
But even in this state of awakening, it always just seemed like the untidy work of slogging through this human state would end and anything that came after was kind of unrelated. This roller coaster of a life with all of its twists and turns and heart stopping plunges into such pain was just a life. Over and done and, really, kind of pointless.
But that’s not the case. The work I’ve done — we’ve all done — on making the connection to spirit, clearing up my own messy life, every bit of time spent dealing with old hurts and losses has ramifications not only in this version of here, but in the next one, real Here! And we don’t have to be perfect at it! I’m not even close and our sister BBB still had her own BS to deal with. But what she did was enough and I think that’s so cool. More junk carved out of my psyche and thrown on the trash heap. Hers too. All of us, filling up the dump with the gunk picked up in this lifetime. We’re doing it now, not in some get-it-right-this-time repeat next life. Freedom here, now. Before we quit breathing.
(If you enjoyed this essay, please leave a comment if you’d like to hear more from Lynette, who clearly has a gift with words, great spiritual understanding, and a huge heart.)
I found the core message very helpful but not the style of communicating it. To overcome that, I copy and paste the essay then re edit it for the message I take from it. I have started a folder on my laptop with Suzanne’s daily messages so I can review them regularly and this helps me to stay in tune with the work I have to do on myself. Thank you so much for this wonderful work.
I love hearing from Lynette
Like her perceptions…would like to hear more of what she has to say
Loved hearing that the review comes gently instead of all at once
What happens when you clean everything up and attain Freedom. Then what??
This is brilliant, thank you Suzanne and Lynette. This is one of those things that once read, changes everything for me. And such a powerful yet gentle message that helps to make sense of it all…
What a refreshing, tell-it-as-it-is communication!! Loved it.
Thank you, Suzanne, for transmitting Truth – little by little.
How very timely Lynette’s / BBB message is!! I was thinking a very similar thing over the past few weeks…ie re-live this life all over again? Yikes! I too have been walking the forgiveness path for a few years because I came to realize the gift of emotional freedom and lightness that arrives with such work. Its not always an easy path and seldom will others understand but the glorious expansion one feels when we can diffuse the emotional charges we carry around is indescribable.
Recently I came across the following affirmation (I dont recall who the author is) and I have posted it on my bathroom mirror, making a conscious effort to read it aloud slowly and with thought every night before going to bed.
“I ask for forgiveness from all whom I have hurt in this lifetime, in any life, in any way at all.
I forgive all who have hurt me in this lifetime, in any life, in any way at all.”
I forgive myself for any part I may have played in the creation of any pain in this lifetime, in any life and I honor myself for having the strength to do this work!
Thanks for the opportunity to ask that I be added to Lynette’s messages.
Also, I so much appreciate Suzanne’s daily ‘Sanaya’
I really like this Suzanne and Lynette! Its so loving.
Quality posting from Lynette. Thank you indeed. Sanaya too today has really hit a spot. Thank you Gina for your comment which reaffirms something very similar I’ve been doing (alone) – always good to know others are doing same thing: it means I am not odd or isolated!
I love this piece by Lynette. So beautifully conveyed and so appreciated. Please share more when you are able! Sanaya & Suzanne are a blessing in my life and that of many others. It appears that Lynette has a special gift as well. Thank you ALL for sharing.
Loved it! Would like to hear more.
Lovely,simply lovely. Thank you Lynette. I am getting use to the right message coming at the right time. Spirit has a funny way of making sense of something that appears to make no sense at all. And so glad to hear a relive is spaced out….
Yes! More please.
Lynette’s words are very healing and comforting. The “news” from Brenda has given me such comfort and hope. Please continue sharing messages of hope in all forms (including Lynette’s posts). Thank you, Suzanne, because your work truly helps us live our best possible life while we are ‘here”.
Very comforting. My brother just transitioned from here to Here. I would like to hear more.
Thank you for this! I always enjoyed Brenda’s comments when she was in bodily form and as Spirit. Brad
I always considered Brenda a close friend though we never met. Great job with the essay and by all means keep them coming!
Thank you so much Lynette for communicating this lovely message . It will help us to be true with our feelings and living accordingly day by day without regrets. Cannot wait to read more.
Thanks also to you Suzanne for your nonstop dedication in communicating your knowledge and Sanaya great spiritual messages.
I have grown so much since my cousin, Lynette, introduced me to Suzanne’s posts. Thank you both for making the world a much less scary place to be.! I have begun relying on my “team” thanks for introducing us. More more of whom ever is moved to share their insight!
Yes I loved this. And would like to hear more.. I was doing great on this journey and now I feel I am going backwards. The more good stuff I hear is helping to stay connected. Thank you
I read a piece by Lynette some months back about her meeting Brenda, a whole group gathering together as a regular thing, and more on Lynette’s own journey. But I can’t find it now. Is there a link on this website?
Many thanks and kind regards
It most likely was from Lynette’s blog, “An Unexpected Mystic.” Lynette is a great writer!