What was your motive? Why did you do that thing you now regret? Did you have others’ best interest at heart and things did not go as you planned? If so, then it is not the best use of your energy to be filled with lower thoughts. If you did not have others’ best interests at heart, what have you learned? Would you do things differently next time? Then, yes, you have learned and grown from your experiences. Did you know that is why you are here? To create something more beautiful and wondrous than what is present. May the present in these words be self-forgiveness as you realize that all are here to grow. May your actions from this moment forward come from the heart as you grow in being the presence of love.
You are so very loved.
Suzanne, as I was sitting here just now feeling crippled by regret over past poor decisions, I read your message from Spirit about motive. I read your messages every day, and I am very grateful for them; thank you! This is a new beginning for me — to feel gratitude for everything — for your graceful wisdom, for all the blessings in my life, and ESPECIALLY for the reminder that I’m a work in progress.
~~ Mary Huber
Thank you for this message
Suzanne, this message brings up something tha confuses me, and I hope you can/will clarify. You and Sanaya have said that every soul is whole and complete. But don’t we take on human life in order to grow? What am I missing?
Thank you. I wish you peace.
Oh my friend, I really needed to hear that. My middle son hates me and I can’t imagine why. I love him. My new daughter-in-law is very upset with me because of who I voted for in the last election. I only get one vote every 4 years. Why is my one vote making her so angry at me. I don’t deserve this. I am a decent, loving person,trying to do my best for all my children. Why is this happening. Should I just pray and keep loving them and do and/or say nothing? How to I survive all this hate?
Judith, I have heard Suzanne – and others – speak enough that I can guess what she would tell you: that it is your human self that is suffering right now, while your soul is not. Your soul is always at peace, always connected to Love, the Source. She might suggest that you connect with your soul, your true, eternal Self. And she would probably suggest that you speak to your son and daughter-in-law, not in human ways, but soul-to-soul. Send Love from your soul to theirs. It might feel like it has no effect, but it will…beyond human perception. And, with grace, perhaps there will be change on the human side, too, down the road. I wish you peace. ?
Hate is not ours to suffer… so keep loving, without suffering. If you or others need more time to discern the situation, take the time you truly need while you keep loving. Remember – you, nor they, have it all figured out. That in itself can make life more, (or less) pleasant, more (or less) easy, more (or less) understood, but never without more lessons to be learned. That is why it is so important to keep loving. Give yourself and others the time it takes to learn the lessons to be learned in order to achieve the higher self. Inward, you know this already. All you need to do now is to BE that loving person whom you are best at being.