It is one thing to be self-centered. It is another thing to be Self-centered. You in your role as a human may believe yourself to be separate from the whole, but this is not possible. Only in your thoughts do you operate in isolation. If you are feeling isolated, go within and find the center that never changes. This is the same still point which all other experience. Now shift your focus to the wholeness of which you are a part in your outer world. Each moment in which you find yourself with another, focus on that temporary wholeness and we dare say you will see self and Self in a w-holy new light.
You are so very loved.
When a loved-one crosses over, ends physical sufferings after friends have lovingly given care, holds profound measure of the unity between this world and the next, between souls in their carnal beings and those in spirit, lifting our loved ones to their new abidings. Precious.
Life for me is an ongoing challenge between my separate self and my Whole Self. I’m learning at age 87 (slow learner :-) to be my Whole Self but my ego/ego separate self is very assertive and demanding at times, and very hard to ignore or let go. This seems to me what it means to be human as well as soul.