Do you know that you are here to grow and evolve? This is the nature of life … growth. But growth is not only at the physical level. Evolution is part of the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of you. There is an evolutionary push and pull within you. With every breath there is an awareness of the difference between what you know as “right and wrong” moving you toward higher and higher choices. All aspects of you will nudge you toward growth. Discord and imbalance are signs that you are moving against the current. Onward and upward dear one. Flow.
You are so very loved.
Do you continue to evolve in the next life?
Can we, in these carnal suits, actually imagine having zero evolvement …even while ignoring our own evolutions? No… imaginings are not evolvements, and there are many degrees and types of evolving in worlds upon worlds … in the previous and present earthly worlds, as well as the present degrees and types of worlds “in the beyond”.
Our planet has shown us that we can lead many lives here for the very purpose of evolvement. So it is in the beyond – until we have mastered the LOVE that the Master designed for our very lives. It is otherwise not the FULL expression of Love by which we are designed. It would not be the AIM for the L.I.F.E., as Suzanne and Sanaya have expressed as Life In Full Expression.
If we do not acquire the L.I.F.E here, we may naturally work toward that in “the beyond”
If we DO acquire that here, we naturally retain and experience the L.I.F.E with those who have like-wise attained the Full Expression of Uninterrupted Living that lends its FUEL to the fire in our hearts to also achieve that for which we were also created. It is thereby we no longer ´seek’ oneness/unity but we instead realize our Oneness. We then know what God has wrought.
Where i am incorrect – i expect to be corrected in and by the Oneness until we ALL actively know “life” all as L.I.F.E
It is continuously up to each other, wherever our souls dwell, to BE the BEGINNING and the END of the search that became the L.I.F.E..