The body is a finely tuned machine. You, dear soul, are the driver of this wondrous vehicle. Please make sure you mind the fuel you feed it. Please make sure it gets regular tune-ups. Please keep it clean and shiny to prevent rust and the accumulation of dirt and grime. Please do not over-stress it by going too fast. Please keep it well lubricated. You get the idea. Whether a sports car or a sturdy but reliable vehicle, the body will serve you best when you treat it with reverence.
You are so very loved.
Reverence for our bodies is a hard nut to crack these days with so many toxins and unnatural additives in our food. Children need to be taught and warned, why they should not eat these junkfoods so they do not pass acceptance of being led by the disguises and manipulations (of those social, and false-claim commercial practices) to their offspring. Presently the average person knows next to nothing about the ingredients in our “foods” and what they are doing to our bodies.
Our parents may not have had the overview to which we now have access, but even in our vast number if accesses, are immeasurable false claims and assumptions as to quality and degree of nurture or harm. Kindly put – its a zoo out there.
How do we know what’s what?
That question alone just points to many reasons to learn how to communicate with Spirit. All things important to you are best cared for with Spirit.