Gone are the days
When you ran as a child
Rushing through fields
Like the wind, oh so wild.
Those years formed a base
For the way you are now.
With strength and with courage
They did you endow.
The past is your history,
But your future it’s not.
You’ve no way of knowing
How much time you have got.
Live only this day
Without fear, nor with worry.
All things they will come
Whether or not you do hurry.
Regard every day
As a chance to succeed.
And know that you’re blessed
As we meet every need.
Life may not always seem perfect
As you watch it unfold.
But perfection unfolds
As your body grows old.
And then comes great joy
When your body you shed
And find with delight
That you’re really not dead.
You just go on learning;
The fields they’re still there.
It’s just that in Heaven
You pass through them like air.
Yes, you do go on learning,
It’s all part of the plan
It’s the story of life
Since all time it began.
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