Stroke the kitten’s paws …
How soft they feel.
Velvet to the touch …
Is nothing real?
You look, you see, you taste and hear.
Is all illusion, that which you hold dear?
If real to you these things they seem,
Consider how you feel in a dream…
You move about with silent ease
With all as easy as you please.
Reality’s a shifting thing.
Such a challenge it does bring.
To know what’s real and what’s illusion
Can cause great questions and confusion.
The answer lies not in the brain.
Where misperception does remain.
But in the mind, which does survive –
That’s the place in which you thrive.
Each realm in which you find yourself
Brings to you such growth and wealth.
It matters not what’s real or fake,
Only what learning you do take.
If, indeed, you life’s a dream,
Then learn from it: what does it mean?
Use this time to stretch and grow.
There is no limit to how far you go.
All life is yours to grow and thrive.
Rejoice that you are here, alive!
And when from this dream you wake
Then all your learning you will take
To dream again and learn some more
When you pass through heaven’s door.
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