From Caprock Canyon in Quitaque, Texas
Yesterday I was doing some writing and really wanted a poem to go with the theme. I discovered what I’d already learned – the Council of Poets are in charge! If I try, it just doesn’t work. I have to completely surrender, then they give me what THEY want to talk about. Today’s poem showed me that it is truly a cooperative effort, with spirit using thoughts and concepts in my mind, but only if I become passive and let them bring the thoughts to the forefront. As they say so well in today’s poem, this applies to everything we do in life …

Cooperation –
When two work as one,
Working in harmony
To get twice as much done.

Inside you are two parts
That make up the whole.
There’s always the ego
But first and foremost the soul.

If inside there’s a struggle
And ego wants its way
Then it’s more of a fight
To get through your day.

But when you surrender
To what’s spirit’s will,
Things go much more smoothly –
Great peace you does fill.

As soon as you learn
That ego’s not truly in charge,
You will find much more freedom
And your heart will enlarge.

Cooperate with your spirit,
For it always knows best.
When ego rears its strong head,
Then just give it a rest.

Ego stands alone always
But spirit’s clearly connected
With All That Exists,
By God so dearly directed.

Ego – Edges God Out.
Spirit lets Him back in.
So feel Spirit strongly this day
As the Love there within.