From Sedona, Arizona
Wounds heal, but slowly
It depends how deep the cut.
But some wounds they heal not at all
For you create in them a rut.
These are the wounds you cause yourself-
Wounds caused by how you think –
Accepting false beliefs as true
Then as in quicksand you do sink.
Ever deeper falling,
Into a deep abyss.
Held there by the grip of fear
Where you will never know true bliss.
There’s no one else to blame for this –
No need to look outside.
If wounded by your thoughts you are
There’s nowhere you can hide.
But never fear, all is not lost.
A fine solution is at hand.
You are creator of your thoughts
It’s you who firms the sand.
God gave to your pure consciousness-
A mind with which to think.
But also do you have free will
To choose to stand or choose to sink.
So lick your wounds if this you must,
But know these wounds can heal –
When on your thoughts you shine a light
And all your false beliefs you do reveal.
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