Again, two poems today, #42 and #42, this one in answer to my question, “What is Hell?”
Hell’s a place that knows no shame
There go those who’ve played the game
And lost-
Their time on earth they wasted
God’s great love they never tasted
Spent their days in anger and hate
Waiting too late
To understand
Why they did come
Until their time was done
Those who kill and hurt their brother
Never serving one another
Move no closer to the light
Live their days in fear and fright
Seeing with regret
That love exists and yet
Their chance they did squander
Now they wander
In the darkness, almost lost
Chances given and then tossed
Like garbage in a heap
Failed to take a leap
Now they fester
There in darkness they sequester
To review their deeds and learn
That their time was not to spurn
Some awake and see the truth
Others linger without proof
This is Hell
This knowing they did lose their chance to grow toward the light
Realizing wrong from right
Held back until they know
They’ll never reach the glow
Until their deeds they recognize for what they are
Bear the scar
And ask forgiveness
Only then can man move upwards and glow
Evolution it is slow
For those who’ve sinned
They’ve much to learn
Amends to make
For those they did forsake
This is true justice
In this please trust us
You can never escape
The mistakes you make
But those who live a life of love and service
Will go on to find the glory
Of their story
This is how it works, this life
With true justice it is rife.
I find this poem quite fearful…does that mean, spirit does judge and punish on the other side (‘there in the darkness they sequester’, ‘You can never escape the mistakes you make’) and that some souls are forever lost? (‘Some awake and see the truth, others linger without proof’).
Hi Sophie, I think (totally my personal opinion) based on what I’ve heard Sanaya say all these years that I’ve worked with Suzanne, that these “poets” who came to Suzanne in the early years did not always express things at the high level that Sanaya does. Sanaya would not contradict them, but would make it clear that no one judges our actions – no one sends us to a hell, but we create our own “hell”. Sanaya has said that those who commit evil acts on earth are offered help by angels and guides when they cross over, but we have free will on the other side just as we have here. Some souls reject this help and as the poem says, “sequester in the darkness”. They always have the opportunity to accept help and move towards the light. Suzanne hears the expression, “My eyes have been opened.” often in readings when a soul has seen the need to change. There is nothing to fear. We choose our path.
Thank you Bev, once again! ❤