Two poems today (#40 and #41)
Gone from your sight
But not from your memories …
You loved them so
When they did walk upon this earth
Their tears you wiped away
And then one day
In the blink of an eye
They disappear
No longer here
To touch and kiss and say
I love you.
But even though you cannot see
Their faces, hear their voice
Fear not, you’ll see them once again
In this you have no choice
For this is how the world it works
One of life’s most cherished perks
Gone from sight, but living still
In other realms to wait until
You’re reunited once again
To feel their love, to stroke a hand.
The spirit lives beyond the death of matter, don’t you see?
You cannot kill it – victory
Lies in the knowing that the soul lives on
Sings it’s happy song
And so just wait
You’ll see your loved ones once again
Happy greetings they will give you
They did not outlive you.
They simply waited
Your arrival at their side
From their sight you could not hide.
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