Two poems today (#40 and #41)
Who can say
At the end of the day
Who lives on and who goes to sleep?
Who crosses through the door toward the light …
Takes flight
You know not these things while here you live
But know to each the Lord does give
Another chance
There’s so much more that you can’t see
Beyond your sight, a world that’s free
Of pain and suffering and misery
No longer will these come to thee
Without the body you will fly
For you rest not when you do die
You live as spirit, free from pain
Treasures beyond your knowledge you will gain
A world where greed and fear and pride
Do not reside
Fear it not this change called death
It’s just a passage
It comes to all and brings no pain
All the world will you gain
When this transition do you make
Your loved ones’ hands again to take
Of this one thing you can be certain
There’s no final act, no final curtain
Perhaps an intermission
For this you’re given permission
To rest and prepare
For what lies there
Upon the next stage
We wait for you with open arms.
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