Along with examples of readings and evidence in the past month, the key insights shared this month were:
- A whole new perspective straight from the spirit world on how to see current events, along with a solution designed to bring you peace here and now.
- An easy phrase that will make all the difference in the world when you find yourself wanting to change or control the behavior of those you love!
- Spirit animals … are they real? If so, can they help us? Yes, and yes as shared by Suzanne with a great evidential story to go along with this discussion.
- The Hawaiian practice of forgivingness called Ho’oponopono? Yes, it works! Suzanne shared sacred geometry to show viewers how connected they are with All That Is.
This month Suzanne shared, "A Simple Shift to Transformation "- shifting experiences in the sea of consciousness - getting out of the head and into the heart. She shared insights about the basic script for our life and our freedom to improvise and our conditioned thoughts vs original thoughts. She shared evidence of the state of two souls on the other side who had done horrible acts while on earth. Suzanne led participants though a fascinating exercise of shifting in consciousness called, "Ocean Breathing. Questions were answered about helping others heal by merging energy, old and new souls, and duality on earth.
n this month’s mentoring, Suzanne shared an “aha” moment that can make a tremendous difference in our personal relationships and one's work as a medium along with highlights from a reading that left no doubt of our interconnectedness. She talked about flow and using “Yes, and ...” as a very powerful tool to go with the flow and avoid the problems of resistance. Suzanne provided a stunning simple new method for training the mind to be still and connect to spirit at the same time. You will be amazed at the effectiveness of “SIP of the Divine” and enjoy doing the exercise with her. As always Suzanne provided several examples of powerful evidence and touching connections during readings in the past month to validate the existence of a greater reality. Sanaya assisted in answering questions including those regarding speaking to our loved ones across the veil, “wasting” a lifetime, Christ consciousness, choosing our parents before birth, scientists in spirit helping with vaccines here, and how our loved ones in spirit see us.
Suzanne shared highlights of the evidence and “wows” from her readings in the past month. The group participated in a powerful group healing and Sanaya came in with words of wisdom using the analogy of a scarecrow. Suzanne’s teachings included a visual to help us see the soul in others, how doubt and skepticism affect our connections with spirit, and a new analogy for understanding how to make the shift to communicate with nonphysical realms. She showed us an empowering technique to make higher choices when dealing with cravings and unwanted thoughts as well as a simple phrase to stop poor choices in their tracks. The lessons continued with an answer to the question, “What is real?” and an example of how we tend to believe what we see and what others tell us, and a stunning true story of how Suzanne’s SIP of the Divine meditation saved a life. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions from participants including:
- How does a soul on the other side know there is a medium available to connect them to their loved ones on earth?
- What happens to our stories when we cross the veil?
- Do we keep our gender across the veil and into the next lifetime?
- Do animals always come back as the same species?
- When we give an apology soul to soul to a person still living, does that person feel the apology?
- If a sitter in a reading does not wish to communicate with certain souls on the other side will those souls respect that?
- Was Brenda higher evolved in her lifetimes so that she can serve as your mediumship guide?
- Will a person with Down Syndrome continue to have that condition on the other side?
- What role do dreams play in our life? How should we handle them?
- What does Sanaya say about medically assisted death?
- Do we travel to the other side when we sleep?
- Can we communicate with souls who have been on the other side for a long time – those we don’t know?
- Can we visit things not of time and space like the Big Bang when we are on the other side?