Look for signs when you do not know which way to go, what choice to make. Do not signs along a highway direct you to take this turn or that, to slow down or be cautious? This is why you call the meaningful messages that are put in your path “signs.” They are unmistakable, but only after you ask a direct question of higher consciousness. They are not necessarily on billboards or placards. They may not contain words, but in their own way are highly symbolic … unmistakable, in fact. You say you don’t get signs? Have you shifted your focus away from the story and asked from the soul? It is a game you must play while you are playing this role. Be playful and aware, and look for signs, if you dare.
You are so very loved.
Thank you yet again Suzanne and Sanaya. xx
You are so welcome!
Signs!! Suzanne, I have been listening to you for many years. You did a reading for me about 5 years ago after my daughter, Lori, was killed. The way it came about was miraculous. Went to your retreat at Unity Village last year. Read books, gifted books, and I am finally getting you. Watched Love’s Gifts this week again and something shifted. I am still in sort of a daze, and I thank you from my heart.
So happy for you, Barbara!
I wish I could attach a photo of the sign I received last year – I had been meditating on the “I Am” mantra trying to calm my mind. Then I drove into town and along the side of the road WAS a billboard and all the letters of the sign on the billboard had been knocked off from a recent storm – with the remaining letters spelling “I AM”. I was so stunned I drove past several times and took a photo! The universe giving me a synchronicity!
Love it!
I do dare. I dare to realize that there is no god outside of the divine which is in each one of us. That revelation is a major shift in thinking for me after I have spent almost three-quarters of a lifetime pursuing and focused on praying to/celebrating/and worshipping an exterior being.
I am and have that which I have been seeking.
Yeehah! Yes! Wow, indeed! So happy for you to have come to this remembrance!
How do I ask from the soul and hear a clear answer, when so many issues overwhelm me right now?
The one year anniversary of my husband’s death is coming up and I miss him more than ever ?
We understand how you feel. Please begin with this practice, my SIP of the Divine: https://youtu.be/1LPuE3rueVY
Blessings. Also, check into Soaring Spirits International – a wonderful organization for those whose spouse has passed.
Thank you Suzanne for helping me to understand what this life experience is truly about. I was wondering, if what I call my intuition is actually my Soul/Guardian Angels giving me that guidance.
Yes, and yet, they and we are also all leaves on one tree — there is an innate part of us — Presence of Awareness — that is simply One.
Thank you, Suzanne, for delivering a sign from my father across the veil! I only recently learned I could ask for signs from our loved ones and receive them. (I occasionally ask my sister across the veil to send me signs. We have a specific sign we share, something uncommon enough that I know it’s her when I see or hear it.)
I never asked my dad for anything specific, but I was walking my dog in the woods while listening to one of your shows on YouTube. I was thinking about my dad and in my head said, “Hey dad, send me a sign! I’ve been getting them from sis but I haven’t heard from you.” I couldn’t believe it, Suzanne… In the very next moment you said, “And it’s time to go to our next caller. We have Reed on the line. Welcome, Reed. What’s your question?” I was stunned! My father’s name was Reed and I know in my heart it was a sign from him. Thank you for delivering it!
And thank you, Suzanne, for the work you do. You’re opening my eyes, my heart, and changing my life. I just got your Personal Mediumship Plus course and I can’t wait to dive in. Sending you love!
Totally awesome!!! Thanks, Dad!