Over 100 people gathered last night at the Wildwood Community Center in Wildwood, FL to experience Sanaya speaking through my voice. The message was one of the most profound we have heard to date. Certainly, the masters who are part of Sanaya were speaking as we listened to divine truths of Oneness and the Absolute of ourselves as sparks of the Divinity – as facets of the “disco ball”.
Check out many other Special Sessions with Sanaya at: https://giesemann.link/sanaya-sessions
I never tire of hearing these beautiful truths; thank you Suzanne and Sanaya!
I have lived an unconventual story, lived in many far flung places lacking in continuity, congruence or sometimes control and often alone.
The other night I found myself emotionally hurting, angry and resentful of others for perceived missed opportunities or unmet “needs”.
Then I understood that was my story churning my emotions into quite a storm.
I stopped.
I stepped out of the story and do you know what was on the other side? Silence, peace, and a full heart.
It was that simple. I am.
Those were lessons. The pain is part of the narrative of the story but it doesn’t reside in me.
I belong. I am loved and I always will be. I couldn’t have known this of my own volition amid this tempest swirling around me had it not been for your love in sharing.
Thank you, Sanaya and thank you, Suzanne for continuing to remind me of what I know deep in my heart and for finding the words and symbols that allow me to recognize who I am.