Why worry? Does it help? You are convinced that if you don’t worry, then things will go awry. This is incorrect. It is helpful to think through what it may be prudent to plan for. It is prudent to take precautions to avoid that which has a high probability of causing you challenges. Beyond that, worry sets off a chain of reactions in the mind and body that keep you from the one thing that will bring you the most peace and be the most helpful: Knowing you are part of one glorious web that has your best interests at heart. The Divine Intelligence flows through all things, yet worry keeps you feeling apart from this System. Fear keeps you from sensing the insights that will keep you safe and all running smoothly. Trust the Intelligence that lies beneath all of your activities. See the cooperation at work and set worry aside.
You are so very loved.
Letting go and letting God has improved my life immensely.
I am guided to the perfect solutions for worry free days. I am so grateful.
I love this: “fear keeps you from sensing the insights that will keep you safe and all running smoothly” 💗
Thank you so much , Suzanne, for sharing all your divine guidance that you receive from all your angels and guides! I’ve been listening and watching you and Michael Sandler on YOUtube, for about 6mos now. You both, along with my daily meditation , have really changed my life so much for the better! I’ve been under a time crunch with work, and I’ve noticed all those old worry and self depreciating tapes coming up. But from your guidance, I catch myself now and don’t allow the negativity to take hold. Wow! What a difference! I also feel the love and support from my Angel and Guides. Because of your teachings and sharing, I finally believe that life and the universe are working for us not against us! Thank you, Suzanne! From the bottom of my heart!
Caryn Akins
You are so welcome Caryn. Grateful to be on the journey with you.