

2021-07-07T10:06:06-04:00July 7th, 2021|

Every moment is an opportunity.  Imagine a map.  You see many roads.  At each intersection you can make a choice.  “Do I turn here or not?  Do I turn right or left?”   Many times, you get on one highway and are afraid to take the turns that present themselves.  One [...]

In Motion

2021-07-04T10:21:53-04:00July 4th, 2021|

Life flows in cycles.  Within these are ups and downs, yet because evolution is part of the process, there is an ever onward, ever upward component to experience.  Think in terms of a spiral.  Instead of round and round, it is round and up you go, and yet, there will [...]


2021-07-03T09:43:12-04:00July 3rd, 2021|

Insecurity.  The word means not feeling safe.  For most of you, it means not feeling loved.  “What will others think?”  Why does it matter?  Understand:  you learned that others’ approval is all-important, starting with the parents.  You learned to sing and dance to garner smiles, laughter, applause in its many [...]


2021-07-02T09:58:23-04:00July 2nd, 2021|

Do you look for unity or separation?  What is the first thing you see when you gaze upon another?  The body, of course.  You are seeing with the eyes.  Now what do you do next?  Do you try to determine if they are friend or foe?  Welcome to human nature, [...]


2021-07-01T09:47:29-04:00July 1st, 2021|

You worry so about your children.  Why is this so?  For you have faced the self-same challenges.  You want to keep them from harm, to ease their pain, to help them avoid any sorrow.  And have you not grown from your own?  And are you not stronger now as a [...]


2021-06-30T09:32:36-04:00June 30th, 2021|

”I can’t possibly do it all,” you cry, and you are right.  That is why you are an interdependent being, not an independent one.  Who is it who taught you that you have to do, do, do to be respected, appreciated, admired. … loved?  Perhaps this teaching was tacit, implied, [...]


2021-06-29T09:06:52-04:00June 29th, 2021|

You say, “My loved one has gone to Heaven.”  Trust us, they have not literally gone anywhere.  They are experiencing more of their true nature and yours now that they are no longer limited by the physical body.  Consciousness expresses itself through them and through you.  This is what connects [...]


2021-06-28T09:52:50-04:00June 28th, 2021|

The light unleashed.  Where would it go?  Into every nook and cranny, like water flowing into every crevice, everywhere there is darkness, parched thirst for more goodness.  You are this goodness.  You are this flow, this abundance.  If you are not aware of your abundant, flowing nature, step back.  Observe [...]


2021-06-26T08:45:04-04:00June 26th, 2021|

Perhaps they know no other way.  When those around you express anger, frustration, disappointment … honor that.  These are human emotions and reactions to the challenging situations you face whilst in a human body.  Until one truly realizes the soul lies beneath and beyond the human experience, suffering is part [...]


2021-06-25T08:40:34-04:00June 25th, 2021|

It is not all about you.  And yet, it is not all about “them,” either.  It is about the interaction between you and seemingly “others.”  It is about relationship, this life you are experiencing in human form.  If someone rubs you the wrong way, this is an opportunity to see [...]

Finding Your Way

2021-06-24T09:52:39-04:00June 24th, 2021|

Hysterics are not necessary.  They arise as part of the human nature … the programming that comes with the physical body.  They are exacerbated by thoughts and focusing upon the drama.  What if there were a way to remain at peace no matter what is happening?  There is, dear friend.  [...]

Your Field

2021-06-23T09:29:04-04:00June 23rd, 2021|

Every thought you have ever had is imprinted in your soul.  Every action you have taken, every deed you have performed … all of these make up your personal field.  This is what you take with you when you walk into a room and are felt by others, and this [...]


2021-06-22T09:05:27-04:00June 22nd, 2021|

Pick up your pen and begin to write.For some such a practice would fill you with fright.But how else will you hear the spiritual voicesWho speak to you of love, life, and choices?Words flow unbidden, you know not the source.To the human this matters greatly, of course.But you are far [...]


2021-06-21T09:11:50-04:00June 21st, 2021|

Look into the eyes of a loved one.  How could such aliveness die?  And yet, when one looks into the eyes of a lifeless body, it is stunningly apparent that “the life has gone out of their eyes.”  And this is exactly what has occurred.  The Spirit animating the vessel [...]


2021-06-20T08:27:04-04:00June 20th, 2021|

Radiant heaters.  They do not blow the warm air out with force.  No.  They warm the air by their very presence.  They become more and more warm … warmer than the ambient air until the ambient air temperature matches that of the heater.  This is how you may affect those [...]

The Vessel

2021-06-19T08:00:16-04:00June 19th, 2021|

Yes, of course the body grows tired.  It may feel drained, but it is also being recharged moment by moment.  You are part of a cycle of outgoing energy and incoming energy.  You see this cycle all around you. Be gentle with the body.  When it is running low on energy, [...]


2021-06-17T08:55:33-04:00June 17th, 2021|

You always have a choice.  You may say, “I had no choice,” but this is because of a refusal to make the more challenging ones.  Free will is what it is all about for the soul.  This reality offers you scenario after scenario for practicing this skill.  “Skill?” you say, [...]

From Loss to Gain

2021-06-16T09:23:00-04:00June 16th, 2021|

One you held in your arms is no longer here. The arms feel quite empty.  You shed many a tear. The absence causes incredible pain. You search for fulfillment, yet your efforts seem in vain. What to do when the heart hurts so bad? This is a level of pain that goes far beyond sad. The [...]

From the Top

2021-06-15T08:37:45-04:00June 15th, 2021|

What you need is what is given.  Trust this.  You may think you know best.  Have you stopped to inquire of a higher awareness?  How can someone at the bottom of a ladder see what needs to be fixed on the roof?  Ask the One who already stands on the [...]

Outside, Inside

2021-06-14T08:37:13-04:00June 14th, 2021|

Do you feel like an outsider at times?  Everyone else is doing one thing, thinking one way and you are different?  Outside and inside are two sides of one coin.  See with the eyes of wholeness.  Outside, inside.  Together they make up wholeness.  You cannot have the inside without the [...]


2021-06-13T08:27:14-04:00June 13th, 2021|

You wish to know happiness?  Enjoy connection.  You wish to know bliss?  Set aside the smaller self.  Focus not so much on “I” and seek out “we,” “us,” simply being a part of something greater.  Connect, connect, connect … with apparently separate humans, animals, nature … it matters not.  Connect [...]


2021-06-12T08:03:02-04:00June 12th, 2021|

You are going along fine, feeling serene, calm, connected, and along comes a surprise.  It is not the kind that fills you with delight, but perhaps with fright.  In the blink of an eye, you go from knowing all is well to wondering if you are in hell. This is [...]


2021-06-11T07:56:49-04:00June 11th, 2021|

Flowers bloom year after year, season after season.  Do you have to do anything to make it so?  Wildflowers know what they’re doing.  They rise up, bloom, wither away, and repeat the cycle.  So do all of you, and for the very same reason … to experience life and to [...]


2021-06-10T08:54:20-04:00June 10th, 2021|

If you cannot imagine a scenario, the conditioned human mind will likely not go there.  The conditioned human mind knows only what it has been told or experienced.  The conditioned human feels safe in its beliefs and conditioned world.  But that is only part of the total reality you live [...]

All Here

2021-06-09T09:16:49-04:00June 9th, 2021|

The gang’s all here.  Those loved ones who have passed?  Your beloved pets?  Yes, they are around you.  They are family ... your soul family.  Life does not end with the passing of the body.  You are connected eternally at an energetic level.  There is a joining of the heart [...]


2021-06-08T08:40:47-04:00June 8th, 2021|

You cannot control your life.  You can barely control your thoughts.  The idea that you can control what happens holds you as a prisoner.  When things happen that are beyond your control it is like a slap in the face.  You now face a choice.  You can resist, or you [...]


You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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