Upon reflection, you realize that you were wrong. Upon reflection, the hurt you caused another is shown to you. In another’s eyes what do you see, but your reflection? Do you not see that all of you suffer the same pain, the same grief, the same emotions, the same joy? There is but one Spirit. All of you are but reflections of the one diamond sparkling with billions of facets. You look at another and feel their pain. When you cause pain to another, you suffer as well … upon reflection … for you have hurt yourself. All is one. All of life is a mirror, reflecting its experiences back at those who gaze upon it until they realize that they are the mirror, themselves. Look into a mirror today. Gaze deeply into your eyes and see there the reflection of your eternal soul. If love does not gaze back at you, begin now to reflect upon the pain you are causing yourself by not loving yourself fully. Your actions mirror your thoughts and emotions. If your thoughts are not fully loving, clean your mirror until it reflects the full beauty of the real you.
It says: “When you cause pain to another, you suffer as well … upon reflection … for you have hurt yourself. All is one.”.
The “upon reflection”, that nauseating sense that you were trying to wish away the realities that be (in this world) with everyone on a different schedual, everyone with different concerns, different desires, different aims, different hurdles, different attitudes and temperaments. So many differences and yet, a part of you knows darn well if your actions have a chance of hurting someone. You KNOW it. That doesn’t mean you dont proceed as you were aiming to.
However, you also know (as to everyone involved) you are ALL going to be on a huge learning curve, which will keep you on track or take you back to your track (if your will allow it to be so). The part of hurt you suffering, is often the rejection you caused when no one involved felt they needed another lesson added to their plate at the moment, while you know you did not even look to see where they were in life… you did not ask… you did not care to look at all of it. You only looked at the parts that made YOUR aims look just fine. And they were for a wee while. Until the reality of others became clear and for some situations, you understood too little too late. Back-peddling doesn’t take you anywhere. In this manner, regardless of intentions – You are hurt because they hurt. You hurt because you love them – and did not love them as well as you could. And God knows that too, hurts.
You feel yourself frantic… you look back… you see what you did. You look at the present: You see what you now see. You look at the future, knowing things will never be the same. You decide the things you will not repeat… and you do not repeat them… at least…🥴
…not the same way.
We are all learning to love each other better. Therein remains the joy.
“If love does not gaze back at you” does not mean mediocre is good enough. Cleaning the mirror might take awhile but stick with it.
Upon reflection i was certainly wrong in a choice i made right from the-get-go and i followed up on that choice by not correcting it when it started to become clear.
But i dug in my heels and decided i would commit to the effort even though, i suspected that in the eyes of others, there would be acceptance from some and rejection from others.
I thought i knew who would accept and who would reject. And boy, was i ever wrong there too.
I was also wrong in how much i had thought this onslaught would matter to us collectively. That certainly had not been in my “plans”, nor in my effort.
I had no idea i could be this wrong about so much all at once, and i could not be more sorry.
But looking back, it all stands to reason.
And i would change it, if i could, but… not for the reasons the acceptors accepted nor for the reasons the rejectors rejected. No one seems to think that i am sorry enough.
However, i am. I dont need to change their minds. If i can, i just need be darn sure to correct all the things i can, when and where i can and to never deny my willingness to be tuned in by my guides.
They did ya know… i was sure they had told me. But i just let that go.
And, i need to love myself better so i can respect myself again.