Every man must face a challenge
In every cycle of his life.
For in your world of comforts
There must come some times of strife.
How you face up to the struggles
Is part of your big test,
For the one who sees these eagerly
Will rise about the rest.
It’s not that you should care
Who is good, better, and best,
But only that you meet the task
We place at your behest.
And in this way prepare yourself
For what lies beyond the curtain.
If you can handle problems here
You’ll do well beyond, for certain.
For each chapter of your life’s a phase
From which you surely learn.
Your experience in what comes next
Is what you there do earn.
The more you learn while on the earth
The greater you progress.
So that when you leave the earth
You do so with finesse.
For there are stages in our world
Just as there are in yours.
The higher you can enter here
The greater the rewards.
The higher is your frequency
With energy so fine,
The greater is the love you’ll feel
And closer to Divine.
So learn your lessons well on earth
Face each challenge with a smile,
And you will find your efforts there
Will turn out all worthwhile.
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