Take stock of your life.
Are you happy so far?
Do things like sadness and jealousy
Your happiness mar?
The ups and the downs –
Those most human emotions
Are all part of your nature
Just as waves are to the oceans.
Do not try to delete
Negativity from life
For along with your humanity
There will always be strife.
Knowing this fact
And not being thrown by the changes
Will help you to deal
With the emotional ranges.
Ups and downs, highs and lows,
This is why you are here …
To experience life
Yet through it all, have no fear.
So know that these waves –
These tidal changes you feel
Are unavoidable lessons
With which all humans must deal.
So keep in your mind
A most helpful phrase.
Know that “this too shall pass”
As you go through your days.
For what goes up must come down.
It is natural law.
When this fact you accept
The breath of peace can you draw.
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