In this month’s mentoring, Suzanne shared amazing communication with a young man on the other side named Kaleb. The evidence shown in a video made possible by Kaleb's ability to communicate through orbs is incredible and verified by research experts Dr. Craig Hogan and Dr. Gary Schwartz. Kaleb explained the orbs and how they are used from the other side when he appeared in a reading that Suzanne did for his parents, Stephanie and Daniel. In addition Suzanne shared a technique to know exactly what to say when communicating with those whose moods are changeable, a tool to tell when a connection is not your imagination, and another tool to heal old wounds. Suzanne shared a drop-in from her friend and now spirit guide, Brenda Baker with some great teaching and a big "Wow". Questions were answered on topics including pet's soul plans, meeting our other incarnations, definition of a soul mate, and dealing with fear of evil things.