When you bristle at an honor or a gift that others are trying to bestow upon you, receive it. Why do you feel unworthy? What in you tells you that you do not deserve it? Nothing within your deepest part would reject love. Only learned behavior and conditioned human thinking would be so foolish. Accept that which is given in appreciation. Accept that which is given in love. Accept that all are worthy and you are an intricate, inseparable part of this flow.
You are so very loved.
Congratulations on receiving recognition of who you are in the Spiritual Community!
Thank you ?? ♥️ Your daily reminders seem written specifically for my issues. Thank you! ♥️??♥️??♥️??
Thank you so much. I received it in love ??
You are truly a blessing..
This is an amazing feeling to have just from reading the message. Thank you
so much!
Amazing! I feel so warm inside. Thank you, thank you so much!
Nancy Gesswein
Receiving is difficult for me, yet, I now know it robs the giver of joy. My challenge is to delve into the root of unworthiness and face it with love believing that I have been guided by my guardian angel ? ?