And so, you have a busy day ahead of you. You have a plan in mind as to what needs to be done, and it is a lot. You are ready to rush out and do it … to get it done. Could there be a better way? Yes, indeed. (The Awakened Way) Pause now, won’t you, and remember you are playing a role. You are being guided every moment by the higher self—that part of you, the soul, that is not caught up in the role. You are being helped by other beings in the non-physical realms. Allow them to carry part of the load, why don’t you. Step by step, tune in and see how much better the day flows as you dance with Spirit. No rushing, just being and doing, being and doing, steady as she goes.
You are so very loved.
Thank you for this message. This is exactly what I needed this morning.
I Love it when folks read these messages and realize it is meant for them too… that they took the time not only to read it but absorb it and relate it to not just life in general, but their own life on that specific day that had need for a gentle reminder.
I need not hope you’re all enjoying this as much (or more) as i do. It is so good to remember if we had forgotten even if only briefly. We know we all do because that’s a lot of why these messages are here.
Thank you for posting this. And as I remember, Divine Timing is Everything, and Everything is Divine Timing!!
My brother had been on the run. I didn’t know how not to worry about him. At one point i heard he went to Vancouver. That’s all the info i needed. Took my thumb out to the highway and headed west and once i reached Van mid afternoon 4 days later i had about $25 left in my pocket with zero plans as to what to do next.
I decided to trust “my gut”… hailed a cab… gave him the $25 and said “i will direct you as we go”, (though i had no idea where bro was or knowledge of this city.)
Turn right straight right straight, left, and on we went like that. Finally i said STOP… Cabbie gave me the little $ remaining and i got out… looked around and wondered what the hell i just did.
Long story short, 2 days later, i walked into a hotel, there was my brother! We had a few beers and he said he’d take me to his place so i could wash up etc. On the way there, i suddenly froze in my steps….looked around… it was the exact spot where i had told the cabbie to stop. When I asked bro where he lived… he pointed across the road, to second apartment building from the corner. He didn’t believe me when i told him this story. Geez – even I almost didn’t!!!
Talk about being guided… …!!!!! That blew me away. So yea – just trust. If you dont fight too hard, you know you’re not the only one at the wheel.