What are your triggers? Do you know? It is those events or words or feelings that set you off in some way that takes you away from your essential nature, which is peace. Sensitivities. They arise as protective mechanisms as a child. They exist at the human level to protect you from a perceived threat. When do you react out of proportion? You might find it quite interesting to dig a bit deeper when you do so and ask within why this is so. Beneath the subconscious reactive layer that you find when you do a bit of excavating is a far deeper level where you were never and could not ever be wounded. Go there when triggered and we dare say the wound will lose its sting.
You are so very loved.
Are things that are triggers always connected to people that need to be forgiven?
Forgiveness that has been non-existent is developing slowly for one, but for another, access to forgiveness will not even come to the table. Meanwhile, i have given that issue to God. If it arrives back on my plate, I’ll know more. Or, perhaps the resolve of one will open a door to the other. Trust where it is. Go forward from there.
Hi Mare, I’m sharing this from Suzanne as she travels today: Triggers are not always connected to others who need to be forgiven. When we take a closer look at why something triggered us and dig deeper, we’ll find a wound. It may have been caused by our own belief system, things we were taught as a child, misperceptions, etc. Ask your guides to help you identify what is the real cause – maybe deep under the surface. Regarding forgiveness, please remember you are not agreeing with or condoning an act or belief when you forgive another. You are rising above the situation and finding the higher perspective of understanding to forgive the other for their ignorance of who they truly are. This frees you!
Hi Suzanne. My name is Susan. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I sent you a long comment yesterday. Your post today totally resonated with me. Also the picture if the purple ? flowers. Purple flowers are one if the main symbols my transitioned son of mine share. Anyway, my other living son of mine is the complete opposite of my transitioned son, Kev. He was so sweet, kind, and respectful. My older son, Geordie, is soooo disrespectful and hard on me. I never know when he’s going to lash out at me. I do manage to hold my tongue when these unwarranted outbursts occur. He has a 2 year old daughter, Sunny. She is my one and only granddaughter. We are as close as a “Grams” and granddaughter can be. I don’t want to scold my son when he verbally abuses me as I don’t want him to react by stopping me from seeing Sunny. He’s so volatile and unpredictable. I handle these confrontations by “being the better person”. Not stooping down to his low, vibrational level. I like how you stated that I should dig deep within myself, and act from a stare of peace. I will continue to do this, and as well I will physically remove my presence!, and state that “I won’t tolerate being disrespected”. Suzanne, I welcome your comments and/or suggestions in regard to this unfortunate situation. Susan.
Hi Susan, I’m sharing this reply for Suzanne because she is traveling today. You are handling your situation with love both for your son and for yourself. It is a difficult balancing act but never forget that you have help from the other side. Ask your guides for help, they will put the right people and solutions in your path. Your example of reacting from a place of peace, yet not tolerating disrespect and abusive behavior is guidance for your granddaughter. Your love for her is the greatest gift. I’m grateful for the sign of purple flowers from your son, Kev. He is with you through all of the challenges.
If you could explain something to me, I would greatly appreciate it. At the end of each of your channeling videos, the ending message is; “You are so greatly loved,” I believe this 100%. However I do not really feel it, or feel any different. When you direct meditations, you say see the light or feel the light around you; see the light radiating from your heart 360 degrees outwards. I can visualize the light and see the light, but I don’t feel it or feel any different. I do automatic writing and I have had the words “You are loved.” come through. I believe it. I am very grateful and appreciative of this love, but I do not have a strong feeling about it. Am I not really connecting here? I feel like I am doing something wrong or holding myself back from growing spiritually. Am I? Thanks. Betty Sue Camper
Please ask your guides to help your heart open even more. There is nothing wrong with you. At the soul level you are whole and complete. Work with your guides to all that light to come through into human awareness even more.