So many are asking, “Why are world affairs as they are? Why is there war? Why is there suffering? If you could see from our perspective, you would see that change is taking place.
You are all playing roles. You are the one Source taking on experiences to see what you can create as you use Awareness. And look what you have created. The human mind goes immediately to the horrors. That is the human way: to focus on the negative. The soul—that aspect of you that is less limited in awareness, that has the higher perspective, that is always present and available to you should you choose to shift perspectives, looks about and sees beauty, truth, and connection.
For now, there are many who are far more driven by external power than True Power, for they do not realize that the greatest satisfaction and pleasure come through connection, through serving, through uplifting. Send waves of awareness that they may come to realize that their actions are akin to tearing the leaves off the other side of the same tree. And while you send these prayers, maintain awareness, please, that none of you is only human.
Do not lose hope when things do not change overnight. Become present, very present to this present moment, which is the only way to remain awake, aware, and to effect change.
You are so very loved. (*Today’s message is excerpted from a longer one that you are encouraged to invest 8 minutes to view. )
For the full transcript of this message from Sanaya, click here.
Thank you so much for adressing the very serious events that are currently taking place on my continent! We are many millions of people in shock, grief and anger, as well as fear, with what is going on and what might develop down the road. Thank you for reminding us of the bigger picture, and that there is always hope. I pray that as many of us as possible follow your advise and send our love and awareness.
Thank you. I know what helps me continually is the message from Sanaya in the “Soul Planning” session.
In part:
…”The soul enters into the human form knowing it will encounter challenges and difficulties and beings who have not awakened at all. Is this not challenge enough.”…
…”Contrast is inherent in the human condition of ignorance. It need not be planned. Trust us in this. It is not punishment to take on a human form. The free will choices, made by mankind, are punishment enough.”
Absolutely! The last portion of that session blew me away.
I need to tattoo that message in my minds eye.
Thank you again,
In Peace and Love
This is so timely. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I have been so torn and feeling helpless for the suffering going on in Ukraine and often wondering how on earth this fits with our soul’s purpose. Why are so many called away? I send prayers everyday, but the horror seems unending, only escalating. Why? Did these souls know this was how their human existences would end, this is all the time they would have? Endless questions without answers. Thank you for your connection with Sanaya
Thank you for this message from Sanaya, it was truly heartfelt and so very helpful, putting things into perspective. So much gratitude for this connection and these valuable teachings.
Such a beautiful, important and timely message even though I fear it will resonate with so few people, particularly with the ones who are mainly responsible.
Although given what our family had suffered through with the tragic passing of our son nearly 4 years ago, it’s quite possible your message may not have had the same impact on me today if not for this experience.
In a strange sort of way, I truly believe we’re wiser, kinder people as a result of our tragedy and I hold out hope this event can have a similar effect on others as well.
Thank you Sanaya, thank you Suzanne!
Words are not enough to reflect the peace and hope you bring to us. They really help us not to get lost in such craziness, nonsense and undoubtful pain we are witnessing.
Dear Suzanne Giesemann Team, whom we all Love!
Healing on a Global Scale: Could you take the lead and set a monthly date and time, where you lead us into prayer and meditation. To send out a High Frequency Vibration Wave of Love All over our Planet. Love, Balance, Harmony for Healing, Growth, Evolution on a Global Scale. As we act as a Unity Consciousness ALL together at the same time! If you could, please do so. We stand behind you United in Love, let us do something Miraculous Together as One Mind! Love, Bart from The Netherlands.
Yes please would you do that for us all; we need this desperately Thank you
Thank you Sanaya, Suzanne, thank you!! Spot on! I smile!
A truly Beautiful message from Sanaya. I hope many listen and follow the Wisdom.
Another wise human might say, “war has existed since time began.” However, perhaps we are seeing less and that would confirm the Wise words of Sanaya. People season existed with the pandemic and more loss of humans seems unnecessary with the Russian-Ukraine conflict.
I also notice you, Suzanne, in your blue and yellow – the colors of Ukraine’s flag. A Beautiful indication you are supporting the under-dog and the faction being bullied.