Always there is more work to do. Never can you rest fully in your purpose, but this should not be a chore. The problem lies in your interpretation of “work.” Your most critical “job” in this lifetime is to learn to love. Not all jobs are difficult, and this one should not be so hard, yet do you not make it so at times?
With the understanding of your main task in life, can you not see that you can be working while playing? That you can be working while on vacation? That you can be working while sitting in traffic or waiting in a line?
It is not hard to do your work. You are the boss. No one else has supervisory control over your task. You may work overtime or take a break, and there is instant feedback. Give yourself a daily performance review, or perhaps from minute to minute if things are not going well. “How can I be more loving?” is always the reference point. Choose the path of love in every instant. Be the loving spirit-being that you are and you will find your work a joy.
Thank you for these inspirational words this morning…
"Choose the path of love in every instant."
Send love and rejoice in the beauty of today. "Choose the path of love in every instant."
On to being a vessel of love and living in gratitude for "All That Is" today…
Once I was asked to add words of wisdom to a book for newly weds and I remember thinking this might sound corny butI wrote "the only important thing in life is love". On another occasion, I was asked to do a reading at a funeral for a friend and I chose a reading normally used for weddings ending in "the greatest of these is love" This friend was love personified! I think I get the love thing but not always when it comes to loving myself.