• This month Suzanne described the new teachings she received from her team in spirit as a result of dealing with the near-death experience of her husband, Ty. The 7-step "NO FAULT" process shared with viewers is astounding in its effectiveness in healing life-long unhealthy responses to external triggers. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions on several topics including discerning if thoughts are from Source, personalities on the other side, physical ailments, astrology and auras.
  • Suzanne provides great teaching moments during this month’s mentoring. She shares many “no other explanation” stories to provide evidence that our loved ones in spirit are still right here. Her story of the “shifting oatmeal packet” is one of Suzanne’s top awesome spiritual experiences. The teachings about “seek no more,” our thoughts, physical and non-physical, a download about buffets, getting signs, and a carpet analogy bring some true “wows.” Sanaya and Suzanne answer questions on several topics including: objects holding the energy of owners, ghost investigations, timing for first connecting to loved ones in spirit, control over which souls interact with us, reincarnation of pets, symbols in readings, loved ones in spirit knowing our thoughts, living souls appearing in readings, the role of pets on the other side, fear of suffering, non-human spirit guides, those in spirit moving objects in our world, reincarnation on other planets, Gaia as a soul, and meaning of holidays on the other side. Suzanne received a profound answer from Sanaya for  "Why don't I get signs?" during this session and that clip is available to the public at: https://youtu.be/0QuWS5hoH8M Your purchase contains a link with unlimited viewing of the video recording, a downloadable MP3 of the audio, and a written transcript (unedited version from the closed captioning.)
  • "I've had some amazing stories from spirit to share in my Monthly Mentoring sessions over the past 4 years, but nothing like what happened last night on December 8! You'll understand the awe in this statement from Suzanne Giesemann when you hear her describe the experience, share the evidence, and unravel the profound wisdom given to her by Robin Williams from the other side. It is clear that "afterlife" is a misnomer . . we are all part of the "everlife"! Suzanne shared some latest highlights of evidence from her readings and covered the following topics: further teaching on The Lucid Zone that was discussed in November’s session, manifesting miracles with Spirit’s help, human fears and doubts getting in the way of connecting across the veil, and the real truth of "turning up our light". Questions were answered regarding the soul plan of domestic animals, communicating soul-to-soul on earth, reincarnation of masters, and psychic information from photos.  
  • Suzanne shares highlights of her readings and communications with spirit in the past month. These include evidence reinforcing the awareness that life is eternal, healing words for those who ae grieving, and what her guides mean when they say, “You are not alone.”  Suzanne teaches more about putting fears of darkness or evil into a w-holy new light, and the amazing power of group intentions.  She shares insights of how to see the soul in others and how to handle a reading when the one in spirit did not live long enough to provide evidence. Suzanne with the help of her mediumship guide, Brenda, and team of guides, Sanaya, answered several questions on topics including: the inability to visualize an image, miscarriages, methods of receiving help from our guides, dying “too soon”, loved ones in spirit seeing us, using ego in our everyday life, soul and unconscious body, number of lifetimes with one guide, number of lifetimes with same people, when soul enters the body, past life regressions, overcoming blockages to connecting, time of soul leaving the body, soul of identical twins, a soul planning abuse, dealing with those who don’t have the same belief in the afterlife, Your purchase contains a link with unlimited viewing of the video recording, a downloadable MP3 of the audio, and a written transcript (unedited version from the closed captioning.)
  • This month Suzanne described the "Top Ten Habits for Cultivating Clearer Connections Across the Veil". They truly are life-changing habits!  Suzanne and Sanaya provided answers to  questions including emotions felt by loved ones on the other side, the difference between spirit and soul, the difference between angels and guides, reincarnation, and connecting too often with a loved one on the other side.
  • In this month’s session Suzanne talked about those “No Other Explanation” moments when we know we are part of a greater reality.  She shared examples of these miracles in her readings and recent experiences.  Suzanne shared evidence of how those in spirit are aware of our needs and “pull strings for us”. Her stories of the power of prayer and magical evidence of the non-physical world are truly inspiring.  The new puppies Nellie and Rusty made a special appearance!  Suzanne and Sanaya answered several questions from viewers on topics including marriage and the afterlife, food in the afterlife, drop-ins, and identical twins.  
  • This month Suzanne shares the experience of grieving the passing of her and Ty’s beloved dog Rudy and her recent very painful visit to the emergency room. She shows first-hand how “point of view is everything”. Other topics covered in the session include some magical follow-ups to some of last month’s stories, including another interaction with Robin Williams, perspective from the spirit world on why some people are “pleasers”, how to deal with a slump in readings, trusting spirit and lessons in being “stuck in a rut”. Suzanne shared further explanation of what’s really going on in the critical “Shift” phase of her 7-step BLESS ME method of connecting with Higher Consciousness. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions including how best to handle the body after death, the difference between spirit guides and angels, astrology, human diets, relationships on the other side, reincarnation, when to ask our guides for help.  
  • This month Suzanne shared her very personal experience of grief with the passing of her beloved dachshund, Gretchen.  There were many profound teachings from her guides in spirit, Sanaya, regarding the human grieving process. These teachings included a valuable breathing exercise, and understandings about feelings and patterns in our lives. Questions were answered about euthanasia , pets on the other side, the forms we take on the other side, and how to respond to the suffering in this realm.

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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