The Daily Way

*** Barriers

2011-05-11T11:53:00-04:00May 11th, 2011|

Barriers … walls you erect around yourself with your thoughts. “Do not come too close,” say the invisible signs which hang there. The walls themselves are invisible—so see-through that at times you are not even aware you have erected them. Of what are they made, these walls that keep others [...]

Chocolates for the Soul

2011-05-10T11:59:00-04:00May 10th, 2011|

Chocolates for the soul … little morsels of wisdom that you do collect and digest for the pleasure they bring. Perhaps you keep a small diary of these delectable treats—words which speak to your heart and make it sing … words which remind you that this world of meat and [...]

Trees vs. Forest

2011-05-09T12:41:00-04:00May 9th, 2011|

Hidden in the forest lies the answer to the puzzle. You cannot see the big picture, for you see only details—tiny pieces of the puzzle. One appears to be a great oak tree, and so you think the world is made of oak trees. You step a bit farther along [...]

Color Your World

2011-05-08T12:37:00-04:00May 8th, 2011|

The sky appears blue, but is it really this color? What is color, but different vibrations along the spectrum of light? You vibrate as well, and your color changes with your thoughts and emotions… at times blue, at times red with anger, at times yellow with fear. Understand that we [...]


2011-05-07T12:27:00-04:00May 7th, 2011|

What is resonance, but when two or more waves enjoy compatibility in their frequency. You know a kindred spirit immediately upon meeting by the very feeling they produce in you. This is resonance. Your energetic signatures—your personal vibrational frequencies—are in tune, not dissonant. Energy is malleable. It changes in accordance [...]


2011-05-06T12:36:00-04:00May 6th, 2011|

Those who believe in miracles do experience them. What is a miracle, but an event or action beyond the normal human experience? Do you not yet understand that there occur events and actions far beyond the human experience at all times? There exist dimensions upon dimensions. All co-exist and inter-mingle, [...]

Look Straight Ahead

2011-05-05T11:30:00-04:00May 5th, 2011|

When watching the sun rise over your ocean, from anywhere you look upon the horizon the sun is straight ahead. How do you explain this miracle? It is quite simple: As above, so below. From anywhere you look, the Source of All Love is straight ahead as well as there [...]


2011-05-04T12:21:00-04:00May 4th, 2011|

Soldiers in a battle—that is what you are. We hesitate to use such bellicose words, but quite appropriate are they in reference to your world of light and dark. So many spend so much time in darkness that it becomes like a home. They grow comfortable there. They feed on [...]

Poem #404 – Not Without Some Pain

2011-05-03T11:39:00-04:00May 3rd, 2011|

Sounds of creation: creaks and groansAnd what at times do sound like moans.But is it suffering that you hear?Let us make this perfectly clear …Does not the mother cry in pain?When giving birth she moans the same.For creation is a wondrous thing.These creaks and groans pure joy do sing.A bit [...]

Feeling Very Human …

2011-05-02T12:00:00-04:00May 2nd, 2011|

Note from Suzanne: Just before walking into my study to meditate, I read the blaring headlines that 10 years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the attacks, had been killed. My immediate reaction was very human. It was relief, not joy, but still it flew in the face [...]

Points of Light

2011-05-01T12:06:00-04:00May 1st, 2011|

You are all points of light. Billions of stars light the sky, but are the stars the source of light, or merely a reflection of it? You know the answer. And so we say to you yet again: As above, so below. Billions of souls walk about your planet, but [...]

Poem #403 – The Pendulum’s Swing

2011-04-30T12:16:00-04:00April 30th, 2011|

Note from Suzanne: I never cease to be awed by this process. As I wrote the first four lines that I heard in meditation, I thought, "Oh my God, it's another poem!" ... so unexpected, yet so welcome, this poem flowed non-stop in under five minutes. I find its message [...]

Suffer Not

2011-04-29T12:12:00-04:00April 29th, 2011|

Suffer not, my children, for all experiences are temporary. Knowing this, can you not endure a bit of discomfort, knowing that light always arises from the darkness? Do not wallow there in the muck. It may seem easy to become stuck when this becomes a familiar place, but look within [...]


2011-04-28T12:20:00-04:00April 28th, 2011|

Picket fences … slats of wood lined side by side to form a barrier—but not an impenetrable barrier—simply a visible sign of demarcation … a sign that says to all that what lies on one side of this fence is mine and on the other is yours. Yes, they are [...]

*** Order, Not Disorder

2011-04-27T12:04:00-04:00April 27th, 2011|

Your doctors speak of those with a “multiple personality disorder.” To the one who experiences this so-called “disorder,” are they not experiencing life as if through multiple minds? How do you think that the Great Infinite Mind experiences Life? Is it through its One Mind or through the billions of [...]

Those Special Touches

2011-04-26T12:17:00-04:00April 26th, 2011|

Belly rubs. Back rubs. Foot massages. Why are these so special? It is more than just the human touch, which is special enough in and of itself. These special moments of sharing form a bond—a connection—soul to soul. “I care for you,” they say. “I know how good this feels, [...]


2011-04-25T11:32:00-04:00April 25th, 2011|

Note from Suzanne: A neighbor asked me to ask Sanaya for some clarity after some particularly tragic events in the local news this week. Here is Sanaya’s response:Depravity. This you call aberrant behavior in which human beings do commit atrocities such as taking the life of another in a particularly [...]

Let There Be Light

2011-04-24T11:49:00-04:00April 24th, 2011|

Why do you speak of God as “Light?” Why do you wish others “love and light?” What is light, but energy—vibrant energy which dispels darkness, revealing Presence. Does not light allow you to see what before you did not realize was there? Does it not bring warmth and comfort? Are [...]

In the Flow

2011-04-23T10:46:00-04:00April 23rd, 2011|

Things do not turn out as you wish. “But I prayed for this!” you cry. “I wanted it so badly! Why were my prayers not answered?” If you could hear the prayers of the tiny ant at your feet, praying for the strength to climb the hill before it, would [...]

The Law of Rhythm

2011-04-22T11:14:00-04:00April 22nd, 2011|

Note from Suzanne: The way the words come to me from Sanaya in private meditation is exactly the way they do when I bring through my guides' presence to larger groups In those groups, members ask questions and receive answers. The words that come through are quite obviously not my [...]


2011-04-21T10:43:00-04:00April 21st, 2011|

Perfection is not possible whilst in physical form. Does this mean you should not seek it? Of course not. Your task in life is to develop your divinity … to perfect your expression as the presence of Love, as a co-creator with the Creator, that Infinite Living Mind which is [...]

Pain and Perception

2011-04-20T13:08:00-04:00April 20th, 2011|

Pain comes to every human. It is a vital aspect of life in the physical world. How one person reacts to pain may differ from another. This you call a “threshold,” reflecting one’s tolerance for pain. Some can take very little, and others seemingly quite a lot. Why the difference? [...]

Pavlov’s People

2011-04-19T12:18:00-04:00April 19th, 2011|

The jingle of a bell causes repeated actions in a well-trained dog. “Pavlovian responses” you do call these, but are humans not so very well trained, indeed? Do you not respond robotically, as if programmed, to such a wide variety of stimuli? Do you not think that it is mandatory [...]

Your Inner Glow

2011-04-18T12:35:00-04:00April 18th, 2011|

Sitting on a park bench, you watch the mass of humanity pass by. So many different sizes, shapes, and manners of dressing. All seem so very different from you, but what if you could see beyond the exterior? What if that which causes your first impressions were not there? Would [...]

Your Daily Supplement

2011-04-17T12:13:00-04:00April 17th, 2011|

Do you tire of hearing the same messages here each day? Do the words begin to repeat themselves? If so, then why do you return to repeat the experience? It is quite simple. Yours is a world of many low vibrations. These messages of love and oneness … these messages [...]


2011-04-16T13:01:00-04:00April 16th, 2011|

Resurrection … you know this as a rising from the dead, but what is it that arises? It is the spirit, which has never died, and can never die. The body and all physical matter are ephemeral. Yes, material things experience death, but you are not a material object. You [...]

No Mystery

2011-04-15T12:53:00-04:00April 15th, 2011|

Mystery schools … ancient teachings from eras past … do you not see the similarities in the messages? And the messages come to you now from the unseen world unchanged: There is but one Mind guiding all that is, bringing order where otherwise there would be chaos, through the application [...]


2011-04-14T07:35:00-04:00April 14th, 2011|

You wait for miracles, yet what is a miracle? Something so outside the ordinary that you think it impossible ...a special healing ... an apparition ... If these are miracles, then miracles happen all the time. You become so entrained to the lower vibrations of human limitations that you fail [...]

What Good is a Friend?

2011-04-13T07:48:00-04:00April 13th, 2011|

What good is a friend, if you love them not? A friend is one you practice upon--one with whom you practice patience, kindness, compassion, and non-judgment. You would wish them to display the same towards you, but that is not always the case. And that, my friend, is the value [...]

All is Real

2011-04-10T07:54:00-04:00April 10th, 2011|

A manifestation of the Life Force -- God -- that is what you are, and that is what ALL things are, for all things are Spirit. Whether in your thoughts, your mind's visions, or before your very eyes, all is a manifestation of Consciousness. So, is a spirit-guide real if [...]

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