The Daily Way

Dream On!

2024-06-26T11:17:22-04:00June 26th, 2024|

Dream on. Is this not what you tell someone when you feel they are wishing and hoping for something that you feel may not happen? What is a dream, but a series of experiences that occur in an alternate state of awareness. At times you are lucid whilst dreaming and [...]


2024-06-25T09:44:40-04:00June 25th, 2024|

You have seen how flowers grow from a seed. First the stalk comes out of the fertile ground. Then leaves appear. Then there is a promise of flowers which bloom only when ready. You are like a flower. You are not just the part that blossoms, but the wholeness of [...]

In Synchrony

2024-06-24T10:51:30-04:00June 24th, 2024|

Are there not times that you do something at the same moment as another? Do you not see this in nature when flocks of birds fly in perfect rhythm and harmony with each other? These are field effects, dear one. You may think of yourself as a person, and this [...]


2024-06-23T08:39:07-04:00June 23rd, 2024|

If balance is key to a peaceful state—and it is—then a cross is a most fitting symbol.  The horizontal crossbar represents the physical plane, balancing the many opposites you find in your world of duality.  If you go too far in your thoughts, actions, or emotions, you are not centered.  [...]

Balancing Act

2024-06-22T07:39:44-04:00June 22nd, 2024|

Recompense … what goes up must come down.  It is the law of balance.  Seek the center in all things and you will find peace.  In a world of duality, there is often pain associated with extremes.  This applies in either direction—what you consider good and bad.  This swinging [...]

Just Call

2024-06-21T09:54:41-04:00June 21st, 2024|

A death comes suddenly, quite unexpectedly, and you are left in shock. There is a period of numbness, and then the new reality sets in. Someone you took for granted would always be here, even though you know that death comes calling to all, is suddenly not available to [...]

And Today?

2024-06-20T10:48:55-04:00June 20th, 2024|

When you live with shame from past behavior, a very helpful question to ask is, “Would you do the same thing today? If the answer is no, feel gratitude for the growth you have experienced since you took the action that you now regret. Next in your recipe for evolution [...]


2024-06-19T10:39:16-04:00June 19th, 2024|

There are aspects of you which are designed to get things done in your earthly experience, and they are very good at doing so. But when you pay homage only to those get it done aspects, you miss the aspects that unite all of you in a state of connection [...]


2024-06-18T10:38:14-04:00June 18th, 2024|

“I can’t do this!” you claim in frustration, and if you think you must do something alone, perhaps you are right, for what you believe becomes your truth. But perhaps you have also not yet realized that you are never alone. The world is not only physical. Helpers are not [...]


2024-06-17T10:11:04-04:00June 17th, 2024|

There is always more to be done. That is part of the experience of Love In Full Expression … LIFE. Rest, dear one. Work, play, and rest go in cycles. Examine any thoughts that tell you there is no time for rest or even play. Balance is so very important, [...]

Here and Now

2024-06-16T10:57:50-04:00June 16th, 2024|

“Wait for it!” Perhaps you know this now-popular way of saying, “Something worth experiencing is about to happen … Do not turn away just yet.” And is that not what life is like? Just when you begin to get a bit restless, something comes along and catches your attention. Wait [...]

In Awareness

2024-06-15T10:26:29-04:00June 15th, 2024|

You do not go anywhere when you die. You simply change experiences in awareness. That is what your current earthly adventure is, you know: an experience in awareness. And it is precisely this awareness that is your true essence. You knew from your first breath and long before it that [...]

No Pressure

2024-06-14T11:11:01-04:00June 14th, 2024|

If you find yourself judging another, do not judge yourself as well. Step back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Recognize that humans compare, analyze, and judge. Shift to the aspect of you that knows only unity. In this flowing state of recognizing that all arise from the same Source, honor the [...]

Meaning ….

2024-06-13T10:59:22-04:00June 13th, 2024|

Why is it you search for meaning? For there is a part of you that innately knows you are here for a reason. Your life is not random. Of all the eggs in one woman’s womb, you were born into this world. And what will you do with this awareness [...]

Spray On!

2024-06-12T11:05:55-04:00June 12th, 2024|

Yes, your prayers are heard, just as the healing energy and love you send is received. Picture your unspoken words like droplets in a spray that goes outward from you to the recipient. Yes, they are droplets of God no matter what direction they are flowing, for all emanates [...]


2024-06-11T10:44:11-04:00June 11th, 2024|

There is much to be learned from foreign cultures. It is far too easy to think that all others think the same way you do. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Truth is One. All else is story. The farther you go from Truth, the more all is relative. [...]


2024-06-10T11:06:11-04:00June 10th, 2024|

Belief. Start here. You can connect with Higher Consciousness, for you are not simply the vessel through which this communication takes place. Believe this: You are an immortal soul. This awareness comes with certain of what you refer to in your cartoons as superpowers. You may not be able [...]

As Am I

2024-06-09T10:11:28-04:00June 9th, 2024|

When you have lived for quite some time mesmerized by the external world, you can come to think that what is around you is all that exists. Yes, you know there is an inner world. You experience it in your night dreams and day dreams. Do you realize this inner [...]

Always Whole

2024-06-08T08:56:57-04:00June 8th, 2024|

Just when you think you’re alone You come to hear a subtle tone. Some would know it as the sound of Om. What is this wondrous low vibration That fills you with a buzzing sensation? Could it be the source of gestation? All arises from one pure state. There is [...]

From the Weaver

2024-06-07T09:41:02-04:00June 7th, 2024|

So you wish for all to be alike and think alike? Then dissolve the stories and return to your original I AM state. In the meantime, value the diversity of thought and roles. Some are warriors. Some are peacemakers. Some are red threads in the tapestry you all make up, [...]


2024-06-05T10:16:15-04:00June 5th, 2024|

There are so many distractions in your life. What are they distracting you from? Present moment awareness of what is right here, right now, in your presence. You have drawn the people, pets, and property around you for a reason. Ask, “How can I share more love in this moment?” [...]

Here, Now

2024-06-04T09:37:29-04:00June 4th, 2024|

Why focus on the breath? For when you are focusing on the air coming into the body and going out you are not focusing on the events around you coming into awareness that do not go out. How often does the human mind obsess about things beyond your control! It [...]

Always Guided

2024-06-03T10:16:32-04:00June 3rd, 2024|

What if you knew you are always being guided? Would you not turn more often to the source of guidance and request assistance? You are, you know ... guided. Not all of your thoughts originate in what you know as your mind. You are part of a greater mind that [...]

Vive la Difference!

2024-06-02T11:05:18-04:00June 2nd, 2024|

It is all relative. You can write that down. Do whatever is necessary to remember that yes, you may judge what you have vs. another, what has happened to you vs. another, and there will always be differences. You are Source having experiences. Why would they all be the same? [...]


2024-06-01T11:14:14-04:00June 1st, 2024|

A cue ball stands out for it has no discernible colors to differentiate itself. The rest of the balls sit in comparison to the total whiteness. The cue ball is analogous to the soul … already whole and without differentiation. The other balls are representative of the lives that you, [...]

Your Superpowers

2024-05-31T09:37:03-04:00May 31st, 2024|

You all have superpowers. Are you using them? The most important of these is love, of course. Are you using it? Turn it on yourself first and foremost. Listen to the voices within that are anything less than loving and turn up the love.  That is all anyone wants, including [...]

Always with Love

2024-05-30T10:41:57-04:00May 30th, 2024|

Thoughts go round and round in the mind, flitting like moths, until you catch them and examine them. They are only doing what they do. They are not here to harm you. Examine them with curiosity. Ask them why they keep coming up. Most of all, love them no matter [...]


2024-05-29T11:21:11-04:00May 29th, 2024|

Blessings. This is what you call what you consider the good things in your life. And then, something unwanted befalls you and you call it a curse. But have you not looked back upon those things you called “the worst thing that could ever happen” and found blessings in disguise? [...]

Only Love

2024-05-28T10:42:33-04:00May 28th, 2024|

All there is is love. The rest is story. See the world before it existed as a teeming sea of possibilities—the sea of love—that in its desire to express itself and experience something other than pure being, arose as first one wave and then many. The waves are the story. [...]

You are so very loved.

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Stay Connected with Suzanne

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