The Daily Way


2024-10-16T10:41:49-04:00October 16th, 2024|

When you hear one who is speaking with great passion, do you not say, “They are on fire!” And why do you use this term? For there is an awareness that one’s energy can be like fire and light, radiating outward spreading heat … warmth. Did you know there is [...]


2024-10-14T11:06:04-04:00October 14th, 2024|

Imagine you are going to create a garden. Will you plant flowers or vegetables? What kind of soil will you use? How will you keep it healthy? So many choices! And so it was when you in your primordial state as the Source of all that is decided to create [...]


2024-10-13T11:15:54-04:00October 13th, 2024|

Things left unsaid can fester. Do you not clean debris from a wound to allow it to heal? It will help you if you do the same with words and emotions you are holding under a lid out of fear of repercussions. Share what you will from the heart, holding [...]


2024-10-11T09:57:17-04:00October 11th, 2024|

You are told to love your enemies, and perhaps you scoff at this. “How can I love someone who does those things that they do? They are not deserving of my love,” you may think. And perhaps you are thinking of love in a passive sense — a feeling that [...]


2024-10-10T13:47:53-04:00October 10th, 2024|

Do no harm. This may be your motto, and yet, there will come times that you do so. Examine your motives in all that you do. Truly dig deeper, for there are usually layers of learning to be had here. Be the work in progress that all of you [...]


2024-10-09T10:31:15-04:00October 9th, 2024|

Why do some colors not look good next to each other? Why do some musical notes not sound good when played one after the other? For the same reason that some people simply do not get along. It is a matter of energetic resonance … of vibration. Do you wish [...]


2024-10-08T11:09:37-04:00October 8th, 2024|

When you judge one critically, you judge all, for when you fail to see another through the lens of story, you are seeing all as separate. You only appear separate to each other when you believe that the stories you are living out are the truest part of you. You [...]

Beyond Filters

2024-10-07T10:28:49-04:00October 7th, 2024|

What is a lie? A statement that contradicts what you have accepted as truth. And do you realize that truth is relative? What is true to one person depends upon their personal experiences and filters. Does the sun rise and fall? Relative to your position on the earth it appears [...]


2024-10-06T10:44:53-04:00October 6th, 2024|

If a concept makes you uncomfortable, this is an opportunity for growth. Do you automatically set it aside for being out of resonance with your belief system? Then, you are missing out. Beliefs go part and parcel with stories, but you are far more than the story you are enacting, [...]

SIP Of The Divine

2024-10-06T07:10:33-04:00October 6th, 2024|

Suzanne shares a stunningly simple new method for training the mind to be still and connect to spirit at the same time. This tool was recently given to Suzanne by her guides in spirit. Watch now to find out why it is “SIP” and how it provides answers and peace [...]

Beyond the Barriers

2024-10-05T10:38:31-04:00October 5th, 2024|

Say yes when you can but be aware of your limits. Yes, at the soul level you are a limitless being, and yet, you came into human form to experience a world where time and space limit the expression of the higher self. Does this not present outstanding opportunities to [...]

Beyond the Role

2024-10-04T10:06:27-04:00October 4th, 2024|

Are you upset about something? You are caught up in a story. Are you aware that you are a soul living a story? The story is necessary to have the human experience, but it is not ultimately who and what you are. When your identity rests on the human, you [...]

Guilt Free

2024-10-03T10:45:16-04:00October 3rd, 2024|

You are taught to do “everything in moderation,” and this is good advice. But do you not learn from your excesses? And is it not at times enjoyable to splurge? You are, indeed, here as a soul to enjoy the fullness of Love In Full Expression—of LIFE. Fullness involves at [...]


2024-10-02T10:30:08-04:00October 2nd, 2024|

Humans have been fighting humans since time began. Read those words literally, if you will. Before there was a concept of time, there was simply being. You know this state in your dreams, in which time has no meaning. This state exists now, in another state of consciousness known by [...]

The Stream

2024-10-01T11:04:50-04:00October 1st, 2024|

You do not have to do it all alone. Do you not yet realize that your thoughts are not always what you call “my own”? You are part of a dynamic flow of energy-information in a field of Consciousness. Awareness is the foundation of all experience. See life as [...]

With Joy

2024-09-30T01:50:14-04:00September 30th, 2024|

Jump for joy! There is a reason you have this phrase. When Joy as a force bubbles up within the soul, this translates in the body to a feeling that must be expressed. Like a volcano ready to erupt, the effervescent energy bursts forth. You jump and throw the [...]

Only Now

2024-09-29T00:48:32-04:00September 29th, 2024|

Tomorrow is another day. When have you heard this? Perhaps when there is a bit of regret about the way the story is unfolding in the present moment. Yes, be aware there is what you call “another day,” but this turns out to be this moment now when you realize [...]

Dive In!

2024-09-28T02:44:23-04:00September 28th, 2024|

We do not wish to diminish your human experience by calling it a story. Yet, what is a story, but a series of events knitted together in such a way as to promote growth, learning, and do so with an element of interest and intrigue. Why incarnate at all, beautiful [...]

For Everyone

2024-09-27T04:52:51-04:00September 27th, 2024|

You say you cannot love someone you do not know or someone whose vibration is not equal to yours. Perhaps you are using the word “love” in the form of a human feeling that comes and goes. And what if love is a vibration that is yours as the [...]

The Dance

2024-09-26T03:28:54-04:00September 26th, 2024|

It is a dance you engage in with life.  But who will take the lead?  It is when you get into a push-pull with life that you experience angst.  What if you did not always have to be in the lead, but you flowed together?  Life has a rhythm.  [...]


2024-09-25T05:45:24-04:00September 25th, 2024|

Om is the carrier wave.  It is the one vibration with which you will always be in resonance when you are in a state of Love awareness … aware of your divinity, needing nothing from anyone outside of yourself, merely being that which your soul has always been.  When [...]

Toward the Light

2024-09-24T02:44:47-04:00September 24th, 2024|

The wheat in the field does not worry about what it will turn out to be or do. It simply follows the light and grows naturally. You were seeded for a purpose beyond simply being human. You are here to grow toward the light, only this Power Source lies within [...]


2024-09-23T04:50:48-04:00September 23rd, 2024|

Choices. Every moment presents them. Are there not moments when you wish someone else would make them for you?  Ah, dear one, what about another aspect of you to help you decide when indecision reigns? You are not only human. You are the middle point in a long lineage [...]


2024-09-22T01:12:37-04:00September 22nd, 2024|

You do not have to be happy. You do not have to be “up” or “on.” You do not have to be any which way at all. Just BE. What does it mean to be authentic? To be in your natural state without conforming to expectations of your own or [...]


2024-09-21T03:48:30-04:00September 21st, 2024|

Let bygones be bygones. When you have (inter)acted in a way that has caused angst between two or more parties, make your amends, and then, like a balloon being released to the sky, let it go. Instead of helium, fill the balloon with the highest awareness of what has been [...]


2024-09-20T02:36:25-04:00September 20th, 2024|

Each moment you embark on a new journey. Yes, you are where you are as a result of each now-moment that you have enjoyed, and yet, these do not have to define your future. You, as an expression of Consciousness—the one divine Mind—are a co-creator of the now-moments yet to [...]


2024-09-19T08:47:08-04:00September 19th, 2024|

“I just don’t feel like myself,” you might say, or “That’s not me!” and you may be right. The larger Self can play infinite roles. What you call the self is but one of these that you identify with the body, with your appearance, and your character traits. But [...]

Slow and Easy

2024-09-18T09:33:46-04:00September 18th, 2024|

Are you always looking for shortcuts? There is no shortcut for Life. It is eternal. You have all the time in the world … in the Universe, where there is no time. Why do a thing if you cannot do it well and fully? You are here for the [...]


2024-09-17T09:35:38-04:00September 17th, 2024|

“What do I need to know today? I don’t know.” These two phrases in conjunction are your salvation. In asking the first question you show that you know you do not have all the answers. You show your willingness to seek something greater than the smaller self for answers, [...]

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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