The Daily Way

Teach Your Children Well

2011-01-11T11:41:00-05:00January 11th, 2011|

You spend so much time educating children in practical matters, such as how to add 2 and 2 and how to read Dick and Jane. Years and years they spend in formal schooling, yet who does guide them in this grand School of Life? It is true that all are [...]

Peace in the Depths

2011-01-10T13:56:00-05:00January 10th, 2011|

Allow yourself to sink deep. Feel as if falling slowly into a deep chasm. There at the bottom lies total stillness. Away from all distractions there is peace. Just as at the bottom of the ocean, it is still. The disturbances and waves on the surface may still be there [...]


2011-01-09T12:27:00-05:00January 9th, 2011|

Fathers look after their children with utmost care. Mothers cradle their children in their arms and provide comfort. The unconditional love of a parent goes beyond boundaries. It is for this reason that much of mankind does refer to the Great Source of All That Is as “Father” or “Father-Mother [...]

A New Year’s Gift

2011-01-08T19:00:00-05:00January 8th, 2011|

From Suzanne: Each week for the past year I have channeled my guides for a select group of friends. The session we enjoyed on January 2nd was too special not to share. I step out of the way and allow these words to come through me from my guides. As [...]

Nourishment for the Soul

2011-01-08T12:09:00-05:00January 8th, 2011|

A baker’s dozen refers to when one receives more than one has paid for. All of life can be a baker’s dozen when the currency is love.So many people give love expecting love in return. Be aware that there will always be misers in your pathway who hold onto their [...]


2011-01-07T12:22:00-05:00January 7th, 2011|

Be not bashful. Sing the praises of Life at the top of your voice. What is singing, but the joyful expression of that which you feel in your heart. Music does indeed carry a vibration—each note resonating with various human emotions. Choose songs which uplift you … which make your [...]

Be Aware

2011-01-06T12:55:00-05:00January 6th, 2011|

Bad news always brings a reaction. For some it is weeping, for others gnashing of the teeth, and for yet others lashing out in anger. Do you realize that all of these are learned and programmed responses? The words you hear hold meaning to you based on thoughts held in [...]

No Expectations

2011-01-05T12:53:00-05:00January 5th, 2011|

Be patient with each other. Be mindful of the demands you do place on those beside yourself to conform to your desires. Why should you all be alike? Why should others think exactly as you do? This life is to be experienced in all of its many expressions. All that [...]

Poem #389 – Harmony

2011-01-04T13:12:00-05:00January 4th, 2011|

Fever means the head burns hot.A healthy body have you not.From where does come this bad dis-ease?From trying hard ego to please.When ego’s role you focus onYou fail to see it’s all a con—A false belief that you resideIn a form you can divide.You are not the form at all.It’s [...]

Who’s In Charge Here?

2011-01-03T13:03:00-05:00January 3rd, 2011|

“Thy will be done.” To whom are you speaking when you state this hallowed phrase? Be always aware that you are speaking to your Self, for you and your Maker cannot be separated. Where do you draw the line between the sunbeam and the sun? Yes, as a ray of [...]

Not of It

2011-01-02T13:07:00-05:00January 2nd, 2011|

Be in the world, but not of it—one of the wisest sayings you can follow. You walk for a time in a human’s shoes, but you need not assume the clothing of the body as your identity. In fact, it is this very outer clothing that does mask the real [...]

Poem #388

2011-01-01T13:12:00-05:00January 1st, 2011|

Note from Suzannne. When I heard the first rhyming lines in my head this morning, I couldn't help but smile. What a great way to start the year ... with a poem. May 2011 be filled with peace, love, and happiness for all.Everybody has a story.Yours is one of many.You [...]

Celebrate Truth

2010-12-31T12:59:00-05:00December 31st, 2010|

Wine serves a purpose. It pleases the palate when imbibed in moderation, but when too much is taken in, it does dull the very senses you aimed to please. Many bypass the palate in search of an anesthetic—a way to lessen the pain they experience from moment to moment. Life [...]

Fear Not

2010-12-30T12:53:00-05:00December 30th, 2010|

It is all very simple, this thing you call life, yet you make it so difficult. There is love and there is fear. That is all. Everything you do is a choice between the two. How hard is it to choose love? It only becomes hard when you let your [...]

Cleaning House

2010-12-29T13:45:00-05:00December 29th, 2010|

Bees buzz about your head and yet you stir not. How is this possible, when others react with utter fright? It is through the cleansing of the mind—clearing out the thoughts which no longer serve you well. Yes, of course it is good to be alerted when danger lurks, but [...]

The Spaces in Between

2010-12-28T13:28:00-05:00December 28th, 2010|

The grass grows tall and greenAnd in the spaces in betweenYou see lightWith great delight …… It is in the silence that you should delight as well. Your lives are filled with noise. What is noise, but the outward manifestation of vibration. What is vibration, but the creative manifestation of [...]

When You Grieve

2010-12-27T13:09:00-05:00December 27th, 2010|

Note: A neighbor passed to the the other side yesterday, and this was very much on my mind all night. I thought I had pushed it to the background while meditating, but Sanaya addressed it quite well ...One you know has passed from the physical body. She no longer breathes [...]

In This Moment

2010-12-26T11:52:00-05:00December 26th, 2010|

Each moment of your life you start anew. There is only now. Because of your perception of time, you do see it as a line traveling from a past with a beginning and hurtling forward into some unknown future. We ask you to change your perception. See life from the [...]

Christmas 2010

2010-12-25T12:49:00-05:00December 25th, 2010|

You look upon anotherAnd see naught but a faceOr perhaps a body shapeOr perhaps the race.But these are all just markers—Indicators of a type,Like the difference ‘tween a horse’s hairAnd a zebra’s dark, black stripe.Inside is where to look, my friend,To know the person true.Beyond the face and bodyEach one [...]


2010-12-24T13:10:00-05:00December 24th, 2010|

Note from Suzanne: It happened again … last night I went to pick up a book that I’d been reading, but I had the urge to start another that had arrived earlier in the day from Amazon. I finished the introduction of the new book and was ready to turn [...]

True Religion

2010-12-23T12:54:00-05:00December 23rd, 2010|

Much evil has been done in the name of religion. Unfortunate misinterpretations of the teachings of various masters and abuse of power did lead and still does lead to the opposite results of the true purpose of religion. People band together to share their joy and love at discovering the [...]

You Are That

2010-12-22T12:58:00-05:00December 22nd, 2010|

God is in your little finger.God fits there.God is in a mighty oak.God fits there, too.God is in your every cell.God fills your every hair.God courses through your arteries.God flows through all of you.There is nowhere that God is not, for God fills all things. God is not a limited [...]

*** First Cause

2010-12-21T12:50:00-05:00December 21st, 2010|

Note from Suzanne: At 2:30 this morning my husband and I got up and went outside to see the lunar eclipse. It was one of the most incredible sights I’ve ever witnessed. Gazing at the full, red moon, my heart was full as well. It was a spiritual moment for [...]


2010-12-20T11:56:00-05:00December 20th, 2010|

Where you place your focus is what you do bring into your life. Do you wish to live in a world with more peace and love? Focus on this. Look for this in the world. There are many among you who have not yet realized the power of focused attention. [...]

Chatter On!

2010-12-19T12:55:00-05:00December 19th, 2010|

So many of you complain that you cannot quiet the mind. You wish to sit in the silence, and for this we applaud you. There is no greater way to know your true nature and to commune with your Source. But it is true—you cannot go within and sense your [...]

Poem #387 – Get Out and Play!

2010-12-18T13:16:00-05:00December 18th, 2010|

Be as a child; this we say.Go out this day, have fun, and play.Too much time you spend inside.It’s as if you want to hide.But sun and light are good for you.As is clean grass that’s wet with dew.Get back to nature; get outdoorsEven when the rain it pours.For this [...]

Be Joyous!

2010-12-17T13:37:00-05:00December 17th, 2010|

We speak so often of your trials and challenges, but today we speak of joy. Be childlike in your actions and your thoughts. Children know best how to express joy, for they have not yet accepted the false beliefs and negative thought patterns that take you away from being your [...]

Poem #386 – In Times of Trouble

2010-12-16T14:01:00-05:00December 16th, 2010|

Sitting in a barber’s chairTo cut your hair …Do you knowWho else is there?The Great Designer …The one who knowsHow every hairOn your head it grows.He is the oneAware of you now.To solve all your worriesThis one knows how.Call on HimWhen troubles you have.He’ll coat your woundsWith his loving salve.He’ll [...]

Forged by Fire

2010-12-15T12:44:00-05:00December 15th, 2010|

Increase the temperature. Keep turning it up, for just as a roast cooks in the oven from the increased heat, you, too, toughen your skin by the same method. Of course we do not mean this literally, but we use this analogy to once again explain that you are forged [...]

Poem #385 – If You Could See Your Thoughts

2010-12-14T13:05:00-05:00December 14th, 2010|

There are many strains of viruses,All caused by different germs,And each does harm the healthy cellsIn no uncertain terms.Your thoughts are like these illnesses.They attack what’s well and good.You’d see they’re quite insidiousIf see your thoughts you could.And so you must be vigilantAnd not let your thoughts run wild.With firm [...]

You are so very loved.

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