The Daily Way

Poem #384 – Love Thy Brother

2010-12-13T13:22:00-05:00December 13th, 2010|

Forsake not thy brother in times of trouble.Be there at his side.Love thy brother as thyself.Let him in your heart reside.Think not of self when others hurt.Do all you can to aid.And in this way you help yourself,For goodness always is repaid.You scratch one’s back, another yours.In this way all [...]

Finding True Love

2010-12-12T12:49:00-05:00December 12th, 2010|

Many times a couple does get together for the wrong reasons. They are attracted by physical desire--and there is nothing wrong with this--but then they do mistake their affection for each other for true love. The love they feel is quite often based on "How can you make me feel [...]

Poem #383 – Where Heaven Resides

2010-12-11T13:17:00-05:00December 11th, 2010|

Sing the praises of the heavensFor this very special placeCarries the promise of redemption--The way to save the human race.In this realm of love and lightExist the angels, true.And they wish nothing more in lifeThan to bring their love to you.They whisper often in your earYet you so rarely hear [...]

Heal Thyself

2010-12-10T12:10:00-05:00December 10th, 2010|

Medicines are your way of dealing with illness. They do play a quite helpful role in your world, but do understand they are a palliative measure and in many cases are not necessary. We do not advise you upon reading these words to cease your medications, merely to understand that [...]

Your Unseen Helpers

2010-12-09T12:24:00-05:00December 9th, 2010|

The voice you hear in your head you do accept as your own. But we are here to tell you that you are never alone. There is but one Consciousness in the world. Your individual mind is a focus of that one Divine Consciousness. The number of focuses is limitless, [...]

The Lovingest Number

2010-12-08T12:54:00-05:00December 8th, 2010|

You have a song in which it is stated that one is the loneliest number. This is a fallacy, when you do come to understand that all is one. There is but one Mind. All of you who feel so alone are but part and parcel of this Mind. And [...]

One Eye

2010-12-07T13:22:00-05:00December 7th, 2010|

Never forget who you are. By this we do not mean a person with a name and a title and an occupation with whom you identify so closely. This is not the real you. If you were to remove the words “I” and “my” from your vocabulary, you would begin [...]

You are the Light

2010-12-06T11:23:00-05:00December 6th, 2010|

Do you tire of all this talk of love? If so, then why bother to arise from your bed each morning? To learn to live as Love in every moment is your task whilst here on earth and in the hereafter. This task never goes away, nor does the love—merely [...]

Poem #382 – Part of the Grid

2010-12-05T12:18:00-05:00December 5th, 2010|

Surrender. Do not try so hard.For in the trying, Your greatest strength you disregard.It’s when you give up all the effortThat you do see great gains.For in releasing all the struggle,Naught but love remains.There is a great IntelligenceThat does control the world.It flows through everything that is,Like strands of taffy [...]

Be the Change

2010-12-04T12:38:00-05:00December 4th, 2010|

Millennia have passed since the passing of the one you call the Nazarene. He stood as a model to all of peace and loving kindness, and yet you still have wars. Mankind still fails to understand their oneness with each other and with all living things. Do not be discouraged, [...]

Your Built-In Barometer

2010-12-03T12:22:00-05:00December 3rd, 2010|

The eyes water, the mouth yawns, for emotion must escape somehow. When you hold inside you much pressure, it builds and builds. Will it escape in a harsh word? In the striking out of a hand? Or will it not escape at all, but consume your very cells? Recognize when [...]

Plug Yourself In

2010-12-02T12:38:00-05:00December 2nd, 2010|

Searching always for answers, you seek outside yourself, but there deep inside you there lies the knowledge that you seek. “But how can I know that which I have not been taught?” you ask. It is because you are connected supremely with all that is, all that will be, and [...]

Your Sixth Sense

2010-12-01T12:13:00-05:00December 1st, 2010|

A knocking at the door does reveal a visitor. You peer cautiously to see who’s there. A stranger … one you’ve never seen before. Do you let him in or does he represent danger? Your stomach clenches. A valid sign. Do not open the lock. This is intuition—an ever-present source [...]

Your Calm Center

2010-11-30T13:02:00-05:00November 30th, 2010|

Like a cyclone, problems swirl around you. Do you know what a cyclone is? A force—the movement of energy. Round and round the energy swirls, but what is there at the center, but an area of great calm … the “eye,” you call it. Round and round you troubles swarm, [...]

The Symphony of Life

2010-11-29T11:51:00-05:00November 29th, 2010|

Blessed are those who know the truth … who do not live by the lie of separation. Know ye now that all is one. There is but one vibration, and that is Love. This vibration lies underneath all other harmonies. It creates all the music in the scales. Each of [...]

Poem #381 – The Only Thing That Lasts

2010-11-28T12:30:00-05:00November 28th, 2010|

See not always the danger.To strife you are no stranger.But look and see the beauty.This in life is your main duty.So very often you denyThat what’s before you is a lie.Nothing is at all what it does seem,But pure illusion, as a dream.This you will finally understandWhen you pass completely [...]

Surface and Breathe

2010-11-27T13:01:00-05:00November 27th, 2010|

Surface and breathe. Inhale deeply. With this breath you draw into you the force which sustains you. Yes, of course it is oxygen which does sustain the body, but it is that which you call the Life Force which does sustain the spirit. The spirit does survive whether or not [...]

This Too Shall Pass

2010-11-26T12:49:00-05:00November 26th, 2010|

Focus on the negative. Give all of your attention to that which causes you discomfort. Are you cold, wet, and tired? Wallow in it. Do you mourn and cry from grief? Feel it fully. And now that you have touched this dark side of life in physical form, rejoice, for [...]

Giving Thanks

2010-11-25T12:46:00-05:00November 25th, 2010|

On this day in which you give thanks, stop and do so for yourself—not just for all the things external. Inside you lies the greatest treasure you can imagine—the link to All That Is. That which you call your True Self is the soul—the part of you which is eternal [...]


2010-11-24T12:24:00-05:00November 24th, 2010|

Yes, it is true. Irritants do form the beautiful pearl inside the crusty shell of an oyster. What are the irritants in your life? And yes, WHO are they as well? Can you look upon that which grates against you and see that in the grating you are given the [...]

When in Pain

2010-11-23T12:32:00-05:00November 23rd, 2010|

Your pain disappears when your wrong-thinking is replaced with love. What is wrong-thinking? Any thought that comes from the belief in separation—that you are anything other than a God-being—one with the Creator … one with the loving, creative Force of the Universe. You are the sun and the stars, the [...]

In the Arms of Angels

2010-11-22T11:46:00-05:00November 22nd, 2010|

The death of a loved one is a trying time for those on earth, no matter how enlightened you are. You share memories with the one who passes. You share love and concern. Concern yourself at this time with those who do not have the full understanding of this very [...]

See With the Soul

2010-11-21T12:45:00-05:00November 21st, 2010|

Release all fears. These do block the flow of Life Force like rocks in a stream, causing the current to meander off course at times and to be completely dammed up at others. The Life Force desires only harmony. It will flow where your thoughts go. What is fear, but [...]

Poem #380 – Soul Sisters

2010-11-20T13:12:00-05:00November 20th, 2010|

Sisters know a special connection …Each sharing such a great affection.But sisters need not by blood be connectedFor by great love to be affected.There are those who come across your pathWho make you sing and cry and laugh…Those special souls who touch your heart,And play a truly special part.“Soul sisters” [...]

Be a Sponge

2010-11-19T13:08:00-05:00November 19th, 2010|

All that matters is love. There is nothing else. You are swimming in a sea of love, bathed in it … but your human bodies do act at times like thick wetsuits, preventing you from feeling the love both inside you and out. You control how impermeable is this suit. [...]

Loving Vibrations

2010-11-18T12:53:00-05:00November 18th, 2010|

Searching, always seeking for the truthYou look beyond.But the truth lies there insideLike ripples on a pond.Watch the water and you’ll seeHow the vibrations do spread out—Energy that moves forever onward …Your thoughts are like this, have no doubt.You are pure spirit deep inside.There the purest part it does reside.And [...]

Focus Outward

2010-11-17T11:48:00-05:00November 17th, 2010|

When one talks endlessly of self, this shows a need for love. This person has not yet realized that the love they seek lies inside always. On and on they chatter, trying to raise their sense of importance. Do not mistake us—it is one thing to share stories and words [...]

Overcoming Blindness

2010-11-16T12:39:00-05:00November 16th, 2010|

You suffer so from blindness—the inability to see who and what you truly are. Could you but see the radiant light inside, you would never suffer. Why are you so troubled? Why do you cry and treat yourself so badly in word and thought? It is because you are placing [...]

Golden Treasure

2010-11-14T13:54:00-05:00November 14th, 2010|

Sit back on your haunches.Stare up at the sky.More beauty lies beyond thereThan you can see with just the eye.The same is true of you, my friend,If you could only see.But only when you close the eyes—It’s then that you’re set free.What lies beyond is all illusion.What’s inside is what [...]

Always Home

2010-11-13T13:14:00-05:00November 13th, 2010|

When you find yourself in some place strange and foreign, do you not at times feel a coldness in the pit of your stomach? These are physical reactions to buried thoughts. If you were to bring the thoughts to the surface, you would find there issues of safety, clouded over [...]

You are so very loved.

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