Just Like Them
“Oh! I am acting just like my mother!” you say, or perhaps like your father. And at times, these imitations may not be the most positive aspects of your parents that are repeating themselves across generations. Such patterns can be challenging to clear, but not impossible. And if you are [...]
What’s Missing
You are advised to feel your feelings. When you do so, at times you enjoy the sensations, at other times you want to run. The not-so-good feelings are challenging, but you gut it out and feel them, for that is what you are told to do. Here is what is [...]
Decisions, Decisions
You have a decision to make. Do you take a certain action or not? By all means, do your research. Find out what is involved. But as for trusting others’ opinions, these will all be subjective, based on their experiences. Who knows what is in your highest good and the [...]
About the Soul
You may have learned set theory in your schooling. Within a set, which you may picture like a round sphere, there are subsets, also pictured as spheres. And at times you have the intersection of sets where there are shared elements. Picture your current lifetime as a subset within the [...]
Here to Help
Yes, you have guides in the unseen realms. That is why it makes it so difficult for you to remember they are here to help you: they remain unseen. Must you stumble again and again until you get in the habit of calling on them for help? They will help [...]
The One Team
Teamwork. You are taught this as a child, but it is actually innately part of your being and need not be taught. Yes, you have the so-called terrible twos in which you learn to act independently, but there is also also also a part of you that knows how much [...]
Role Around in It
Who would you be without your story? The same soul that you are right now, dear one. And yet, even the soul tells a story — one of many lives lived for the fullness of the experiences they offer the Source beyond the soul. The soul does not need the [...]
With Audacity
“Bring it on!” Could you pray with such audacity? And why not? Prayer need not be pious and timid. You are manifesting through prayer. You are sending to the universe your vision, your wishes, your desires, and as you do so, you feel and envision in your being your wishes [...]
The Long List
If the mind wanders as you sit in the silence, bring it back to center with gratitude. Do not just think of one thing. Make a list and check it twice. As you go through the many things for which you are grateful, feel that energy of appreciation. As you [...]
However Long …
However long it takes. Are you willing to wait that long until you make the connection with your loved ones in spirit? When we say, “however long it takes,” this acknowledges that it may take longer than you wish. Or perhaps you may have a breakthrough at any time. And [...]
Steady As She Goes
And so, you have a busy day ahead of you. You have a plan in mind as to what needs to be done, and it is a lot. You are ready to rush out and do it … to get it done. Could there be a better way? Yes, indeed. [...]
At the Same Time
What if you were to sit with eyes closed holding a stone in each hand? One is rough, the other smooth. As you run your fingers over both at the same time, you would hold in awareness the dual nature of smooth and rough, rough and smooth at the same [...]
Standing By!
At your service. That is what those you love across the veil along with your guides and the angels want you to know. They are here for you. Where? Standing by in awareness to offer nudges, put thoughts and inspirations into your mind, send a surge of love to your [...]
Ask and Listen
You have a question? Just ask. Do not assume that you must seek outside of yourself for wisdom. All wisdom is accessible on the wireless web of consciousness. What you call your mind is a pattern of experiences within a vast and limitless mind from which all experiences arise. Mine [...]
The One and Only
The Observer Effect. Perhaps you have learned about this term that describes how a wave of possibilities becomes a particle of matter. You might ask, “Who is the observer?” And we might answer, “It is not a ‘who,’ but a ‘what.’” The wave is an undulation within the one [...]
Getting Better
You are used to instant gratification. The way information is instantly available makes waiting for rewards and results ever more challenging, does it not? You want to instantly feel better when waves of sadness fill awareness. What if the goal of the soul is not to feel better but to [...]
Distractions abound. Everywhere you cast your gaze the eyes take in data. So much to choose from! How to decide? If you do not couple vision with intention and will, you will drift from one distraction to the next. Attention deficit. You are familiar with these words. Intention and focus [...]
Precious You
You may feel useless at times … perhaps as you grow older, perhaps as family members have their own lives. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Do you know that you are being breathed by the Source … by God? There is a reason for this! You are [...]
The Mirror of Life
Upon reflection, you realize that you were wrong. Upon reflection, the hurt you caused another is shown to you. In another’s eyes what do you see, but your reflection? Do you not see that all of you suffer the same pain, the same grief, the same emotions, the same joy? [...]
Still Here
There is no separation between what you call the physical world and the nonphysical world. Do you realize that? It only appears that way due to the way your bodily senses deceive you. Oh, yes. What you see around you is very real. But what you don’t see around you [...]