The Daily Way


2023-08-03T10:53:39-04:00August 3rd, 2023|

Serendipity — when you did not expect a thing to happen, and it did so in a most delightful way. It is a bit different from synchronicity, when things happen with a timing and meaning that shows you the web of which you are a part. Now combine synchronicity with [...]

July 8, 2023

2023-08-03T11:09:32-04:00August 2nd, 2023|

Do you know the difference between a “spirit guide” and an “issue guide?” You’ll find the answer here directly from the spirit world. Hear wisdom from spirit on topics including reincarnation, spirit guides, and human evolution as Suzanne Giesemann channels a group of higher beings who call themselves, “Sanaya”. [...]

Natural Rhythm

2023-08-02T15:19:58-04:00August 2nd, 2023|

Natural Rhythm: Why, after remaining still for a while, do you simply have to move? Some may say it is simply the way the body is, and in a way, this is correct. But more specifically, this is mimicking the natural rhythm of Love In Full Expression (LIFE). There [...]


2023-08-01T11:31:00-04:00August 1st, 2023|

When you wish to speak to those across the veil, do you find yourself sitting and waiting, sitting and waiting, and you sense no presence? Here is some heartfelt advice: feel your heart. You know the feeling when a burst of love causes the heart to come into your awareness. [...]


2023-07-31T10:42:49-04:00July 31st, 2023|

A kaleidoscope appeals to those of every age, turning those in middle age and old age into children. Why is this? For the swirling, twirling, unexpected wonders revealed before your eyes stir within the knowing of the soul that life is full of wondrous possibilities. You may be stuck in [...]

In Reality

2023-07-30T09:49:22-04:00July 30th, 2023|

“This is a matter of life and death!” you declare with great seriousness, and you are stating a lie. It is not that the situation you reference is not serious. Your choice of words is false, non-sensical … a misrepresentation of Reality. Life and death are not opposites. Birth and [...]

All Along

2023-07-29T09:39:21-04:00July 29th, 2023|

Gifts come in many disguises. That delay that causes you so much anxiety? From your limited point of view you may not be able to see that it is a great gift to you, for this delay causes other pieces to fall into place where they would not have, had [...]


2023-07-28T10:27:45-04:00July 28th, 2023|

Is your habit to see the negative or the positive? Do you seek out the problems or that which is working? Of course, the world is not black or white. There is a spectrum from one opposite to the other. Understand that somewhere in between is ideal when dealing with [...]

Here We Are!

2023-07-27T10:09:02-04:00July 27th, 2023|

Who is this person you call you? What if you changed your name? Would you still be the same person? What is a person? A person-ality plus memories and emotions and characteristics and features and all those THINGS you use to identify you relative to them. And what do all [...]

Chasing Perfection

2023-07-26T10:36:16-04:00July 26th, 2023|

There is no perfection, for that would indicate an end state. Rather, there is ongoing evolution as well as involution—a constant unfolding and folding of Consciousness as It experiences Itself. What does this mean for you? You can strive all you want for perfection, but you will never get [...]


2023-07-25T10:56:38-04:00July 25th, 2023|

Expect newness. Be surprised when you respond in new ways. Once you set the intention to grow and change, remain aware. You are repatterning your energy field as well as the pathways of the physical body. This is how evolution occurs. You may stumble and bumble, but in time and [...]

Start Here

2023-07-24T08:44:19-04:00July 24th, 2023|

Where do you begin? When you have a new project, do you feel as if you have to figure it out by yourself? There is no such thing as “by yourself.” You have a team of non-physical helpers connected with you for life. If you doubt this, begin by moving [...]

Letting Go

2023-07-23T11:08:56-04:00July 23rd, 2023|

What is important to you may not carry the same meaning to another. You may fret and simmer for minutes, hours, or longer only to find that the other involved in this story that the mind is knitting has long since forgotten the issue. And now who is the prisoner [...]


2023-07-22T10:56:12-04:00July 22nd, 2023|

Sit quietly with eyes closed until you can feel your heartbeat without using the fingers. There it is, continuously doing its job of maintaining you in this physical experience. What is it that keeps the heart beating? It is not the mind. It is the soul. And beyond that? What [...]

At the Center

2023-07-21T10:48:07-04:00July 21st, 2023|

“I lost it,” you may say when referring to throwing a tantrum or other such extreme behavior. And what is it you have lost? Awareness, dear one. Awareness of your True Nature and your deepest state. You were caught up in the swirling energies of a mental and emotional storm [...]

The Peaceful Escape

2023-07-20T11:25:33-04:00July 20th, 2023|

Distractions abound, and they are adding up by the millennium. How often do you simply sit and notice the landscape? Yes, outside. And even more important than getting out of your dwelling is to ask how often do you simply sit and notice your innerscape? Yes, inside. Both are natural [...]


2023-07-19T10:13:38-04:00July 19th, 2023|

Be open to anything. Of course you do not wish to look foolish. To be open to something means to consider the possibilities. Your human world may seem limited, but it and you arise from a field far more vast than anything you know in your limited perspective within a [...]

Filled In

2023-07-18T10:40:32-04:00July 18th, 2023|

Look around you. What do you see? If you are conditioned to see the human way, you see an object here, an object there. Perhaps people, pets, and property. I see differently. I see flow. I see not objects with space in between, but one united tapestry where “space” is [...]


2023-07-17T10:59:09-04:00July 17th, 2023|

To what or whom do you give your allegiance? Do you honor a story that has accumulated from the first moment those in authority over you gave you a name and told you who you are? Or do you honor the Voice within that tells you without words that you [...]

On Purpose

2023-07-16T11:49:10-04:00July 16th, 2023|

What is a heretic? One who goes against accepted wisdom. Are you willing to be a heretic? You need not speak your inner Truth aloud if it causes angst. Embrace it. Roll around with it awhile. Roll around in thoughts of being love and loving all others until the idea [...]

New Pages

2023-07-15T10:56:09-04:00July 15th, 2023|

Do not ever think that you have learned it all. When you reach a point that no new information seems to be coming forth, this is merely a fertile time of resting and integrating what has already been learned. Why come into this incarnation if not to continue growing? Hear [...]

On a Streak

2023-07-14T10:40:42-04:00July 14th, 2023|

“You’re on a streak,” someone tells you, and you feel good. But now the pressure begins. The human side of you, which you would understand as the ego, feels it must continue the streak at all costs. And what is that cost? Peace, dear one. Why is it so important [...]

With Thanks

2023-07-13T10:52:23-04:00July 13th, 2023|

Gratitude is the great equalizer. All that you have and all that you appear to own are possible thanks to the one Web of connections. Yes, there are disparities. Through the contrast you are given opportunities. One disparity may cause envy. Another may cause pride. These may cause you to [...]

Awake and Aware

2023-07-12T10:53:29-04:00July 12th, 2023|

What is consciousness but awareness, your most basic essence. Why does it matter to pay attention to this? When you are not aware, it is far easier to suffer. What if you did not know that all is connected at the deeper levels? Then you would feel separate, alone, and [...]


2023-07-11T10:24:28-04:00July 11th, 2023|

Philosophy. A field of study in which you investigate the mind and thought. Do you know that most cannot even agree upon a definition of mind? It is for this reason that you will have those who spend a lifetime philosophizing about this formless aspect of you in a form. [...]

Changing Patterns

2023-07-10T06:52:39-04:00July 10th, 2023|

When a pattern in your experience of Life changes, you are knocked off balance. Some patterns have been present for quite a while. Others may not have been lengthy in terms of time, but they created a strong impression and thus held a strong imprint. Regardless of the duration [...]

A Bit of Kindness

2023-07-09T07:45:36-04:00July 9th, 2023|

Be kind to each other. This is all we ask of you moment to moment. Be aware that when tired or distracted, it is easy to lash out. With awareness, you can counter this natural tendency, yet awareness also disappears when the human side of you is under stress. [...]

The Story

2023-07-08T06:49:27-04:00July 8th, 2023|

Do you really want to know how the story ends? Do you read from the back of a book to the front? No, you start at the beginning and enjoy the suspense as it builds. This is true in life as well, but instead of being simply a by-stander, you [...]

Ever Onward

2023-07-07T07:02:47-04:00July 7th, 2023|

Mistakes happen. Do you chew on them endlessly, wondering how you might have done things better, reworking the scenarios in your mind over and over? This is the human way. Recognize the tendency, and then see mistakes for what they are: natural results of working by trial and error that [...]


2023-07-06T07:39:42-04:00July 6th, 2023|

“I understand,” you say, but do you really? Have you thoroughly and completely entered the mind of the other? You can do so from a state of alignment and oneness, but most of the time in the world of time and space you are still imposing your own viewpoint [...]

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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