New to You
New ways of doing things may throw you off for a bit. Hold fast to your intention. If you truly believe that the new method to which you have been introduced will prove helpful, then stay with it. Cease trying and allow it to simply become part of who you [...]
Working Out
You pick up a weight that you have lifted in the past and somehow it seems heavier. It has not changed. You have simply not used the muscles necessary to lift it as much as in the past. What are you no longer exercising in your day to day interactions [...]
Just Right
Practice makes … for more experience. Do you know anyone who is perfect? We challenge you to find such a one outside of the One. All have aspects that attain a state of harmony with the concept of perfection, but in a dynamic state of flow such as you are, [...]
Whenever you become upset or knocked off balance in any way, repeat this phrase: “Isn’t that interesting!” In this way, you have taken all previous and future thoughts and stripped them of their ability to rock you about. With “Isn’t that interesting!” you are not judging and labeling a thought, [...]
The Subject of the Search
Step back. You wish to have a spiritual awakening? This is all you need do. You are used to seeing the world as “Just me.” You are used to turning outside of yourself for help. You believe the spiritual search involves looking for something separate from you, even when sages [...]
Along the Way
Trust the plateaus. Every journey involves periods of rest and rejuvenation. And what comes afterwards? More climbing. Yes, the ascents lead to new vistas, new experiences, but along the way there is learning, even during the periods of rest. Do not grow frustrated or frightened when you seem to be [...]
Never give up your efforts to connect across the veil. Why would you? Because you are not feeling a presence? Because you are not receiving messages? What if your breakthrough were to happen the day after you gave up? How would you know? We encourage you to hold onto your [...]
Banding Together
You need to band together. What is a band, but a continuous circle without interruption. It unites all particles into one unit with no beginning and no end. And with this analogy, there is another use of the word band. It is one in which all come together with different [...]
The Bigger Picture
There comes a time when you must change direction. The idea you were pursuing that seemed to have merit turns out to have some elements of which you were unaware that may cause greater challenges than you anticipated. As you gain the bigger picture, be willing to abandon one idea [...]
Moving Forward
You, by the self to which you and others give a name, can do nothing. You are not a stand-alone being like a cut-out doll. You are part of a flow of Intelligence so vast that the human mind cannot grasp this immensity. In the body, which is part of [...]
With the Eyes of the Soul
They are doing the best they can, those others you may find yourself judging. Can you put yourself in their shoes? Some people cannot, you know. They have not had enough lifetimes to fully understand the human condition. If you can empathize greatly with others, understanding the lack of control [...]
You do not have to go it alone. If only you would remember this. In human goings-on you often feel like the Lone Ranger, bearing your burdens without help. Know that you are both human and spirit and that you have a team of unseen helpers. Call on them and [...]
One Reality
You imagine two worlds: the physical and the non-physical. You call one “the spirit world.” Do you not realize that you, too, are in the spirit world? Your language limits and distorts your perception of reality. In actuality, you are not “in” the spirit world at all. You are Spirit [...]
When one shares a tale of another’s actions and their opinion of such with you, does it automatically become your own opinion? This is a common way of building separation. Do remember that all stories must go through the filter of the one telling it. Have you not experienced how [...]
In the Flow
You have a project to complete. You have ideas of how to proceed, and yet, it is not flowing. Get up from your chair. Do not struggle. If it is not flowing, it is not yet ready to take wings. You are being inspired from a level beyond the project. [...]