The Daily Way

New Pages

2023-07-15T10:56:09-04:00July 15th, 2023|

Do not ever think that you have learned it all. When you reach a point that no new information seems to be coming forth, this is merely a fertile time of resting and integrating what has already been learned. Why come into this incarnation if not to continue growing? Hear [...]

On a Streak

2023-07-14T10:40:42-04:00July 14th, 2023|

“You’re on a streak,” someone tells you, and you feel good. But now the pressure begins. The human side of you, which you would understand as the ego, feels it must continue the streak at all costs. And what is that cost? Peace, dear one. Why is it so important [...]

With Thanks

2023-07-13T10:52:23-04:00July 13th, 2023|

Gratitude is the great equalizer. All that you have and all that you appear to own are possible thanks to the one Web of connections. Yes, there are disparities. Through the contrast you are given opportunities. One disparity may cause envy. Another may cause pride. These may cause you to [...]

Awake and Aware

2023-07-12T10:53:29-04:00July 12th, 2023|

What is consciousness but awareness, your most basic essence. Why does it matter to pay attention to this? When you are not aware, it is far easier to suffer. What if you did not know that all is connected at the deeper levels? Then you would feel separate, alone, and [...]


2023-07-11T10:24:28-04:00July 11th, 2023|

Philosophy. A field of study in which you investigate the mind and thought. Do you know that most cannot even agree upon a definition of mind? It is for this reason that you will have those who spend a lifetime philosophizing about this formless aspect of you in a form. [...]

Changing Patterns

2023-07-10T06:52:39-04:00July 10th, 2023|

When a pattern in your experience of Life changes, you are knocked off balance. Some patterns have been present for quite a while. Others may not have been lengthy in terms of time, but they created a strong impression and thus held a strong imprint. Regardless of the duration [...]

A Bit of Kindness

2023-07-09T07:45:36-04:00July 9th, 2023|

Be kind to each other. This is all we ask of you moment to moment. Be aware that when tired or distracted, it is easy to lash out. With awareness, you can counter this natural tendency, yet awareness also disappears when the human side of you is under stress. [...]

The Story

2023-07-08T06:49:27-04:00July 8th, 2023|

Do you really want to know how the story ends? Do you read from the back of a book to the front? No, you start at the beginning and enjoy the suspense as it builds. This is true in life as well, but instead of being simply a by-stander, you [...]

Ever Onward

2023-07-07T07:02:47-04:00July 7th, 2023|

Mistakes happen. Do you chew on them endlessly, wondering how you might have done things better, reworking the scenarios in your mind over and over? This is the human way. Recognize the tendency, and then see mistakes for what they are: natural results of working by trial and error that [...]


2023-07-06T07:39:42-04:00July 6th, 2023|

“I understand,” you say, but do you really? Have you thoroughly and completely entered the mind of the other? You can do so from a state of alignment and oneness, but most of the time in the world of time and space you are still imposing your own viewpoint [...]

What If

2023-07-05T10:36:56-04:00July 5th, 2023|

What if that other who you judge has been wearing different lenses their whole life? What if both of you were unaware that you differ in your perceptions for both of you wear different sunglasses? The same light is here, yet the filters of the lenses shade the way you [...]

No Other

2023-07-04T10:20:44-04:00July 4th, 2023|

Does it matter what others think of you? To the human side it does, for approval means love. To the soul, which knows it is Love incarnated in a human body, you know that all of you arise from the same Source. The soul cares more about loving others and [...]


2023-07-03T10:13:51-04:00July 3rd, 2023|

A swirling maelstrom. This is what you might call a storm of great proportions. It is quite easy to get sucked into patterns that swirl. Take notice how this happens in crowds of people and in conversations one-to-one when another becomes quite animated. You may be susceptible to these attractive [...]

Always Young

2023-07-01T09:28:13-04:00July 1st, 2023|

The way a baby gazes at you with such interest … this is you at another level: curious about the world. Nonjudgmental. Aware of your total connection with all that you see. Could you but see the world once again in the way you did when first you entered this [...]

With Awareness

2023-06-30T10:49:50-04:00June 30th, 2023|

What do you see when you look outside of you? Do you see beauty or blemishes? Of course, both are present, but even in the midst of near-perfection, the brain will draw you to the flaw. Be aware of this built in tendency. This awareness is the remedy. Yes, pay [...]


2023-06-29T11:14:38-04:00June 29th, 2023|

Trust Spirit in all things. You have learned not to trust other humans, and at times this is well warranted, for many is the human who has shut off their awareness of their inner guiding Light. But this Light is within you. In point of fact, it is You at [...]


2023-06-28T10:14:35-04:00June 28th, 2023|

“Please help me.” This prayer is an acknowledgment that you cannot do it all on your own. Oh, how the human wants to be independent. Do not let the ego fool you. Inside and outside and beyond all sides is a part of you that cannot be separated from you [...]

Always Present

2023-06-27T10:33:24-04:00June 27th, 2023|

When you say you are broken, be aware of what this actually means. You can break a physical bone, but you cannot break the soul. You may hurt more deeply than you have ever hurt, but what is broken is your awareness of your ongoing connection with all that is [...]


2023-06-26T09:54:27-04:00June 26th, 2023|

When one you love in the physical world departs to the next chapter of their ongoing existence, be aware of the words you use to describe this transition. They did not leave you. They did not leave the body. The energy that fueled the body’s existence is no longer doing [...]


2023-06-25T10:24:04-04:00June 25th, 2023|

It all fits together. You may not be able to see the whole puzzle at once, and so you become confounded. What if you had the angel’s eye view? Imagine seeing the finished picture before you began piecing the puzzle together? The analogy is not exact, for your free will [...]


2023-06-24T10:24:15-04:00June 24th, 2023|

Hubris. When you think you can do it better or best without assistance and come out on top. Can you sense a bit of ego entwined with this word? There is not judgment in our message today, only a hint to remain aware of how hubris can sink you when [...]


2023-06-23T10:24:51-04:00June 23rd, 2023|

Surprises come in many forms. It is the element of what is not expected that makes them a surprise. If you knew exactly how everything was going to unfold, where would be the joy? Where would be the wonder? Do you not enjoy a bit of anticipation? Why worry if [...]

The True Power

2023-06-22T09:21:47-04:00June 22nd, 2023|

Be aware of the power you give to physical objects. That favorite stone or other such thing you own? You believe it has a special power. Indeed, all objects carry unique frequencies, and some are more helpful than others. But what if you lose or break that special-to-you object? Then [...]

In Between

2023-06-21T08:49:31-04:00June 21st, 2023|

Yes, so much is hidden in plain sight. The brain keeps you focused on certain aspects of life that fit its program, but you have existed for all time—long before you had a brain. And you will continue to exist long after it has returned to dust. Yes, forever after. [...]


2023-06-20T09:07:42-04:00June 20th, 2023|

You have a team of helpers across the veil. Do you know this? Have we not told you that you do not and cannot act in isolation? It is energetically impossible. Even if you do not sense or believe this, what would it hurt for you to pretend that it [...]


2023-06-19T09:00:35-04:00June 19th, 2023|

Monitor your state of mind. Like taking your pulse, sometimes it speeds up, and sometimes it slows down. And if you are diligent about this monitoring, you will come to notice that sometimes it is just right. This is optimum for maintaining the peace that is resident within you here, [...]


2023-06-18T09:04:07-04:00June 18th, 2023|

Distractions abound. There is so much of life to take in. Where do you begin? Where do you put your focus? Do you follow your heart or what others tell you to do? Do you know that your guides speak to you through nudges which arise in the heart area? [...]


2023-06-17T09:53:01-04:00June 17th, 2023|

Do you know who you are, beautiful soul? Exactly that: a being of light so magnificent and bright that would your True Self reveal it to you now, you would have to shield the eyes. That is right. Your True Self cannot fit within the physical body, yet it fills [...]


2023-06-16T09:28:14-04:00June 16th, 2023|

You don’t have to resonate with everyone. You cannot, for just as some notes on a piano do not sound harmonious when played together, you each have a unique tone. However, all notes make up the wholeness of what you call music, and within that wholeness, everything is valued. Play [...]


You are so very loved.

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Stay Connected with Suzanne

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