A Taste of Home
There were times as a young child when all you wanted was love and to feel safe. This unconditional state of being is what you remembered in your very soul from before you entered a body. This state came with you and was and is always available, but as others [...]
Dot, Dot, Dot
Connect the dots. All is connected always at the deeper level, but by seeking and seeing the connections, you consciously and willingly acknowledge this and use it to bring into your experience moments of delight and grace. All is connected, indeed, and your focused attention on those thoughts, things, and [...]
Letting Go for a Reason
When you are up in arms about something, pause. To fly off the handle is the result of being identified solely with the role and not the soul. Let go of the handle that you are holding up in those very human arms and sit quietly for a few moments. [...]
Better Yet
You are all very dedicated to your missions. You came here as souls to play roles, and oh my, you are doing that quite well. You take them so seriously that you plow ahead doing the tasks appropriate to your role without looking back. Better yet, without stepping back and [...]
Yes, They Can
People can change. It is your belief that they cannot that holds you in a state of non-changing. You can teach an old dog new tricks. When you believe that you cannot, you do not even try. Beliefs are all important. Beliefs are what held that other imprisoned until they [...]
Positive Flow
It is true that positive thoughts affect your well-being. You are more than just matter. Matter arises from an ongoing flow of consciousness, which is primary. Your thoughts keep the flow of consciousness moving or stagnating. You have seen stagnant water. Hold this image in mind if you would like [...]
In Costume
Be aware when you enter into a situation where those around you have clearly different roles to play than the one you have assumed for most of your life. Yes, roles. This awareness that you can be separate from the persona you are acting out and the lines you are [...]
Water Flow
Waterfalls … and water flows … and water gives life. Drink up. Drink regularly of this most powerful elixir. The body is a machine indeed, a vehicle in this earth school for your lessons. At times it carries you to and through your lessons. At times, in sickness and in [...]
How It Works
Things do not just happen by themselves; it only appears that way. Consciousness must move. And what moves consciousness? Intention. And once intention gets the ball rolling, bring in attention to make adjustments as necessary. And because you are not independent but interdependent as one thread in the tapestry of [...]
In Service
Be of service. Be of service. Be of service. You feel alone? Serve another. You feel unloved? Love another with no expectation of anything in return. It will come anyway. It is the Law. Victimhood is a powerless state. Self-centeredness has a time and place. Interconnections revealed through service reveal [...]
On Purpose
The outer world can be quite distracting. There is much to entertain you that is not of the highest quality or vibration as you would know it. Do you wish to fulfill the goal of your soul? Yes, you have one, you know — a goal of helping humanity to [...]
No Place Like It
There’s no place like home. Whether you have been away for a few hours, days, weeks, or longer, there is a sense of relief to be back in familiar territory. Why is this? Home is not a place. It is a state of being—an energetic state that is felt, is [...]
Rise Above
Childhood imprinting. It leaves a legacy of challenges. Do you judge yourself today against some standard? Are you a bad girl when you do something wrong? A bad boy when you make a mistake? Do you see the labels, the judgments? This is human behavior and human thinking, but there [...]
And So It Is
When you watch a television series, one episode flows into another. Perhaps there is a cliffhanger at the end. This keeps you coming back for more. And so it is with life. Each moment flows into the next. Inexorably. At times there are cliffhangers. These are not always pleasant, yet [...]
Greatest Gift of All
What is the greatest gift of all? This may be answered in different ways depending upon who you ask and where they are in the journey of their human lives. For some it may be a material thing, to others, a feeling or sense of satisfaction. Do you know that [...]
Yes, there are “bad characters” out there, both material and immaterial. How could there not be in a world of duality? Does not every good story have its villain? But you need not be a victim. Only when you give undue attention to the bad actors does the play take [...]
When you become angry or frustrated with another, it is not about them. It is about your expectations of them. They are just being themselves. They are doing what they will, but you expect them to think, speak, act, and be the way you think they should. Get angry and [...]
Surfer of Joy
Surfers choose the waves they ride. They don’t hop on their board for the little ones. They go for the thriller, the big one that they know will bring them the most joy. Thoughts are like waves. They arise all around you from the Sea of Love. Notice your thoughts. [...]
Homeward Bound
When one you love is dealing with a life lesson, you will know it. Will you let it affect you? Most likely, for you are with them for the growth that results through relationship. The way you react is part of their lesson, not to mention yours. Do you give [...]