The Daily Way

Poem #119 – Innocence

2009-11-10T17:05:04-05:00November 10th, 2009|

A baby comes into the world-- All of life it lies ahead. The family gazes lovingly, Caresses its small head. A birth is quite a symbol. Such hope to all it brings. Such innocence in one so small-- In our hearts the love it sings. We gaze upon a little [...]

Poem #118 – By Your Side

2009-11-08T17:05:54-05:00November 8th, 2009|

This was one of those wonderful sessions where I would not have come up with this one by myself, and the words flowed without pause ... The father and the son Walk hand in hand. One guiding and loving, One trying hard to understand. In the role of teacher The [...]

Poem #117 – Life

2009-11-07T17:06:44-05:00November 7th, 2009|

For every leaf that falls, another grows. How many leaves will fall, nobody knows. Each blade of grass, each budding flower Holds a kind of special power. Life! The force that animates Gives to all of nature its vibrant states. It courses through each tiny cell. A feeling that you [...]

Poem #116 – On Coincidence

2009-11-06T17:08:11-05:00November 6th, 2009|

Serendipity Things happen by chance. A passing glance does catch your eye. Was it meant to be? Coincidence. Two strangers meet. Their paths cross on the street And they become lovers From that day hence. Lives intertwined. Connected beyond time. Who can say What forces do play? Magical encounters One [...]

Poem #115 – For a Friend

2009-11-05T17:09:00-05:00November 5th, 2009|

A dear friend is going through chemotherapy now. She has a wonderful positive attitude toward it. I asked the spirit world if they had a poem for her ... Troubles come in many forms Such challenges they bring. And how you handle every test Is quite a tricky thing. Do [...]

Poem #113 – Changes

2009-11-04T17:09:51-05:00November 4th, 2009|

Beautiful Fall colors Burst upon the scene. Leaves that hang upon the trees Turn orange from the green. The changes are in nature That all who pass can see. The same outer changes They happen thus to thee. What is aging? But the changes on your face. Tiny lines and [...]

Poem #112 – On Music

2009-11-03T17:10:28-05:00November 3rd, 2009|

Those who play with music notes Such pleasure they do bring. When with their voice or instruments The heaven’s sounds they sing. For music is a gift from God It brightens up the soul. One broken can, with music’s help, Once again feel whole. “Music soothes the savage beast” Is [...]

Poem #111 – Gone From Your Sight

2009-11-02T17:11:06-05:00November 2nd, 2009|

Gone from your sight, But not from your heart. Those who have left you Are not really apart. Death is just a transition To a new type of form. But close in your thoughts Your heart we still warm. Death is merely a change From the body to spirit. If [...]

Poem #110 – Go With The Flow

2009-10-31T16:12:56-04:00October 31st, 2009|

Whoever said that life is easy Had no troubles of his own. For one of the great truths of life Is that you reap what you have sown. Everything you do in life— Your every little act, It comes back to affect you. You can count on this as fact. [...]

Poem #109 – Judge Not

2009-10-30T16:14:18-04:00October 30th, 2009|

Judge not your brothers. Let them live their lives. For only as you walk your path Does each one learn to thrive. No one can say his way is best; That he is better than the rest. For each has come to walk his trail. This life is neither pass [...]

Poem #108 – A Part of the Whole

2009-10-29T16:15:02-04:00October 29th, 2009|

Comes the dawn … And with it new surprises. What will happen today As the sun rises? You know not the answer For yours is to wait And watch it unfold As you discover your fate. But are you a puppet Whose arms move on strings? Acting only when forced, [...]

Poem 107 – Shine Your Light Forward

2009-10-28T16:16:07-04:00October 28th, 2009|

Never before has man So needed the touch of grace. The stresses of his life Show clearly on his face. Weep not for things of the past … Look with eager eyes for things to come. Your future lies before you Spread open like a sheet. When looking only forward [...]

Poem 106 – Being Playful

2009-10-27T16:17:02-04:00October 27th, 2009|

He’s back! I recognized the energy right away and some of you will recognize this voice. Not sure how to divide up the phrases I heard, so bear with me, and my apologies to the poet - the phrasing here is my guess at how to type up the words [...]

Poem #105 – True Beauty

2009-10-26T16:18:07-04:00October 26th, 2009|

Beauty. You say it’s in the eye Of he who sees with the brain But there beyond the eyes Something far more subtle does remain. Oh, if you could only see Your world from one who’s truly free Not one who’s bound by heavy chains Of idols false and bigotry. [...]

Poem #104 – The Source of Inspiration

2009-10-25T16:19:56-04:00October 25th, 2009|

Creative minds do think in sync. They hear the words with no need to think. For what they hear is inspiration A word much like your respiration. Inspiration is the same As the true meaning of its name In-spirit is truly what you are When you breathe in from afar. [...]

Poem #103 – Light

2009-10-24T16:21:38-04:00October 24th, 2009|

Today all I can say is, "Wow" ... Bitter tastes the root For it never sees the light. And some plants know when night has come For they curl themselves up tight. Why this passion for the sun? Why be pulled toward its heat? For light’s the source of all [...]

Poem #102 – The Nature of the Soul

2009-10-23T16:23:13-04:00October 23rd, 2009|

Corruption and vice Are Earthly sins Who knows at what point The sinning begins? It comes from the Earth From things man does learn. When greed, lust, and power Are for what he does yearn. A baby has nothing But goodness inside. There in its soul Love and pureness reside. [...]

Poem #101 – Where the Answers Lie

2009-10-22T16:24:23-04:00October 22nd, 2009|

Since the dawning of time Man has searched for meaning. Many hours has he spent. The truths of life thus gleaning. Many have turned to the stars Thinking there they’d find The key to understanding The mysteries of the mind. But looking outward does no good. For the truth there [...]

Poem 100 – On the Soul

2009-10-21T16:27:27-04:00October 21st, 2009|

The soul can be a prison. A personal cell. For those who’re in pain It’s their personal Hell. But this does result When one finds no relief From wrong-thinking and lies That turn into belief. The way to find freedom And true inner peace Is to look deep inside And [...]

Poem #99 – On God and Love

2009-10-20T16:28:32-04:00October 20th, 2009|

A very strong male presence – he felt very noble, powerful, and wise. Very serious. Some lines repeated from the very first poems. The mighty Spirit lives on high. This no soul on earth can e’er deny. To know the power is to know it all. For from His grace [...]

Poem #98 – Space Travelers

2009-10-19T16:29:25-04:00October 19th, 2009|

I sensed the presence of the older, “crotchety” man who came through a few days ago – theatrical, 1800’s feel … I ask, “Is it you again?” and I hear back: “Who do you think?” Serious, never smiling You weigh the world. How heavy it seems. Not light like your dreams. [...]

Poem #97 – Seasons of Life

2009-10-18T16:30:24-04:00October 18th, 2009|

My mother's twin brother took his last earthly breath yesterday. How comforting to know that he's being well taken care of now by many we've already said goodbye to, and to know that our family will see him again some day. The poem that came through today is a wonderful [...]

Poem #96 – On Charity

2009-10-17T16:31:30-04:00October 17th, 2009|

Amid the clamor and the noise, Hear these, our words… Charity, a gift of the heart Is a good place to start To know the goodness that is yours. When gifts are given Asking nothing in return, God’s good grace is what you earn. We speak not just of money [...]

Poem #95 – Balance

2009-10-16T16:32:13-04:00October 16th, 2009|

So many children suffer From too little food. Not enough to go around For the entire brood. Hear these words: If one goes hungry All do starve. There’s no need for this With so much meat to carve. You live in a world Of have and have not. In some [...]

Poem #94 – The Way to Truth

2009-10-15T16:34:00-04:00October 15th, 2009|

Tarry not. No time to waste. There’s much to learn. Sweet words to taste … Forgive the sinner. He knows not Of how to use the gifts he’s got. For all are blessed with mighty power. But used unwisely, the soul it can devour. Sit in silence and contemplate What [...]

Poem #93 – How Great is the Journey

2009-10-14T16:34:44-04:00October 14th, 2009|

I sensed a totally new presence today: an older man who felt “crotchety.” My writing came out in block script. It felt terse. I had no idea what was coming through as I wrote it, only that it was a completely different style. I didn’t know when it was finished [...]

Poem #92 – The Way to Eternity

2009-10-13T16:36:01-04:00October 13th, 2009|

Soft as a velvet blanket Waves lap upon the shore. Hear our quiet message: There is life forever more. Eternity. To live forever is your dream. This we promise you… A world that is unseen. In the silence Feel your way. Here in meditation Can you play. Explore our world. [...]

Poem #91 – The Garden of the Soul

2009-10-12T16:36:47-04:00October 12th, 2009|

Left alone one wonders ... Who am I? See the beauty That there does lie. A beautiful flower Left to bloom. To grow and to blossom There’s plenty of room. Smell the fragrance So sweet and pure. Like a young debutante So completely demure. Innocence Lies at your core But [...]

Poem #90 – On Inner Vision

2009-10-11T16:37:42-04:00October 11th, 2009|

Once they started, the words came incredibly quickly and clearly today. An awesome experience of not consciously thinking, but remaining receptive. Surrender to your fate. There are things that you must do. Listen to the words we say. Advice we bring to you. Have faith that all will come out [...]

Poem #89 – The Life Beyond

2009-10-10T16:38:23-04:00October 10th, 2009|

Do not think that what you see Is all that does exist. There lies much more beyond your sight. This thought do not resist. For when you look with sightless eyes True beauty will you see. You’ll travel with your mind and heart Into eternity. While in a body you [...]

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