The Daily Way

Poem #238 – Pride

2010-03-15T04:22:56-04:00March 15th, 2010|

Swallow your pride. What good does it do you? Let all feelings of ego Simply pass right on through you. Your pride serves no purpose But to set you apart, When all are the same There inside in the heart. Why strive to be different When in seeing your link, [...]

Poem #237 – True Beauty

2010-03-14T04:23:46-04:00March 14th, 2010|

Some things you do “in vain” Acting from pure vanity. You do this without knowing The thought of separation is insanity. By thinking of your beauty The differences appear “You are more pretty than the next” Is what you long to hear. But beauty’s just a fleeting thing. It means [...]

Poem #236 – What Lies Beyond

2010-03-13T04:35:41-05:00March 13th, 2010|

Visions of splendor – Sights that bring you to your knees… Can you imagine A world with things like these? This world it does await you. It’s there for all to know. It matters not your faith or creed. To this place you all will go. Your experience may differ [...]

Poem #235 – Good Advice

2010-03-12T04:37:06-05:00March 12th, 2010|

Scurry, scurry, Rush and worry … Why so much running around? Stop. Put on the brake. Not one more moment forsake! Time’s a wasting While you’re always chasing Rainbows. The treasure you seek Is there when you peek. Have a look … There – in the dark nook. This gold [...]

Poem #234 – What Really Matters

2010-03-11T04:38:41-05:00March 11th, 2010|

Diamonds are a dime a dozen - Merely shiny rocks. Why place so great a value On a ring inside a box? But place instead your focus On what that ring stands for – A symbol of the pledge to wed And love forever more. It’s good to have such [...]

Poem #233 – Remember

2010-03-10T04:39:24-05:00March 10th, 2010|

As always, once the words come, they just flow. All this in under five minutes. Thank you, spirit world. Hear the words we whisper to you … Babies cry in their tiny beds. What could be going through their heads? Is it a physical need or pain, Or does a [...]

Poem #232 – It’s Up To You

2010-03-09T04:40:09-05:00March 9th, 2010|

Misery – You bring it on yourself. Don’t you see? It’s all a matter of interpretation. What to one is a blessing To another’s desperation. As a group you think alike. “This is awful!” “This we like.” When each event, in itself, Has no meaning … it simply “is.” No [...]

Poem #231 – Fear not

2010-03-08T04:40:50-05:00March 8th, 2010|

In the shadows Lurks your fear … Imagination That evil draws near. Fly away! Banish the doubt. There’s nothing but Imagination about. How can there be evil In a world of pure love? Where nothing but goodness Comes from above. Evil’s a creation From within the mind. The force of [...]

Poem #230 – Go For It!

2010-03-07T04:42:03-05:00March 7th, 2010|

EnCOURAGEment… See the word within Giving strength and confidence To find success and win. With your words you help Others to find strength. Encouragement does prod them on To go to any length. So many need this extra push This boost in confidence, And with your smiles and helping words [...]

Poem #229 – Go Within

2010-03-06T04:42:44-05:00March 6th, 2010|

Never give up. No matter how hard the struggle. Help is always there When you feel yourself in trouble. Life is not a solo walk. You do not tread your path alone. Help is always waiting for you Far closer than your phone. There’s a part of you that’s linked [...]

Poem #228 – Boundless

2010-03-05T04:43:41-05:00March 5th, 2010|

Filling all of space You expand. Your consciousness could never Be contained in one hand. You are everywhere at once – Larger than life. Like a balloon that keeps growing With no end in sight. In this way you’re connected With all that exists, Touching all with your thought Where [...]

Poem #227 – Your Best Friend

2010-03-04T04:45:27-05:00March 4th, 2010|

So many feel the need to fill The silence with some sound. And so you fill your life with noise When no one is around. Never fear that you’re alone. You walk not a lonely road. Silence merely gives you time To watch your life unfold. There’s nothing frightening in [...]

Poem #226 – Know Yourself

2010-03-03T04:46:43-05:00March 3rd, 2010|

Ransom - A price you pay When something dear is taken … Money you pay eagerly To get back that which was forsaken. But what would you pay To get to know yourself? Not enough money exists For that kind of wealth. Count your money not, But, oh, count your [...]

Poem #225 – Light and Love

2010-03-02T04:47:26-05:00March 2nd, 2010|

It doesn’t matter. Nothing’s really real. Put aside your feelings. Here’s the real deal … Light is what you call The beams from up above. But light is just a synonym For God’s undying love. Tiny little particles So small you cannot see But flowing through all matter They’re pure [...]

Poem #224 – What is Reality?

2010-03-01T04:48:12-05:00March 1st, 2010|

Stroke the kitten’s paws … How soft they feel. Velvet to the touch … Is nothing real? You look, you see, you taste and hear. Is all illusion, that which you hold dear? If real to you these things they seem, Consider how you feel in a dream… You move [...]

Poem #223 – So simple …

2010-02-28T19:22:19-05:00February 28th, 2010|

A smile- An instrument you use To show your pleasure When you choose. A frown - Yet another way To show your thoughts … A kind of play. You move your face And show your feeling. No need for words When all you’re revealing. But don’t you know That body [...]

Poem #222 – You Need Not Fear

2010-02-27T19:23:36-05:00February 27th, 2010|

The whole of the Universe is yours. Gaze upon the stars and know That you are in them, and they in you … Beloved, You need not fear. With every step you take, Love is near Your very life is proof Of this – the greatest truth: You were born [...]

Poem #221 – Living Now

2010-02-26T19:24:26-05:00February 26th, 2010|

Erase the bitter memories. Don’t linger in the past. There’s far more beauty in you now Than in things that never last. Focus all your thoughts and love On things that never change: On doing all that you can do… Things well within your range. Things like helping others, Giving [...]

Poem #220 – Set the World Afire

2010-02-25T19:25:14-05:00February 25th, 2010|

Innovations… Brand new ideas From where do they rise? Genius comes in many forms This fact please realize. All minds are linked They work as one, Connected like a wire. If all could activate this link You’d set your world afire. So bright would be the energy, A loving, throbbing [...]

Poem #219 – The Power of Your Thoughts

2010-02-24T19:25:57-05:00February 24th, 2010|

Sitting on the doorstep Feeling lost and down, With your chin upon your chest, Your mouth a heavy frown. You think you are alone in life That no one knows your pain. That others bask in sunshine While on you falls only rain. A shift in thoughts could shift your [...]

Poem #217 – A Look at Heaven

2010-02-22T19:27:48-05:00February 22nd, 2010|

Hurry to the future. Take a look ahead. What will your life be like After you are dead? So many wish to know What heaven’s really like. Are there truly flowers, Harps and music, and the like? Heaven is your self-same world. We live right here beside you. The difference [...]

Poem #216 – Be Yourself

2010-02-21T19:28:53-05:00February 21st, 2010|

Trickery … Deceit … Mischievous lies … What comes to those Who put on a disguise And hide behind a mask of falsehoods? They cheat no one but themselves. Denied of pride Solitude’s a paltry partner. Yet alone you walk When in the shadow of deception Do you stalk. Emerge [...]

Poem #215 – The Importance of Love

2010-02-20T19:30:36-05:00February 20th, 2010|

Look at everything with love. Hold nothing back at all. By your loving actions Are you seen at your last call. Success and gold mean little, Unless they’re put to use in service. For giving love to others Is your life’s intended purpose. The little things you cherish Cannot go [...]

Poem #214 – What is Perfection?

2010-02-19T19:33:52-05:00February 19th, 2010|

It’s all perfection – Everything you see. It’s only your beliefs and thoughts That hide reality. You think that things should be one way, But you see with limited sight. With only partial vision How can you say what’s wrong or right? You need to step out of your box. [...]

Poem #213 – Share Your Pain

2010-02-18T19:35:24-05:00February 18th, 2010|

Silent misunderstandings … Words that go unsaid … When if you only worked things out, You would find peace instead. Yet you keep your feelings Bundled up inside. There they boil and fester As you do your best to hide. Why this need to be closed off? What is it [...]

Poem #212 – As Above

2010-02-17T19:36:29-05:00February 17th, 2010|

This poem flowed so quickly I could barely write fast enough. Just, "Wow." Build upon your knowledge base, But put your books away. All you need to understand Is the willingness to pray. All wisdom does await you. It flows through every cell. By quieting your busy mind All truth [...]

Poem #211 – Finding Divinity

2010-02-16T19:38:54-05:00February 16th, 2010|

The beauty of a flower Reflects the greatest power. How can you gaze upon its face And not feel the touch of grace? Colors soft and bright Fill you with delight. So delicate the shape… At times you’re left to gape. Wonder … awe … These words describe The feelings [...]

Poem #210 – The Bonds of Love

2010-02-15T19:40:16-05:00February 15th, 2010|

The theme of love continues ... The time has come to say goodbye. Our life on earth is short. I know I leave you feeling Like a ship without a port. You’ll drift awhile, feeling lost. My presence you will miss. The touch of fingers I’ll miss, too, Your soft [...]

Poem #209 – Always Linked

2010-02-14T19:41:10-05:00February 14th, 2010|

An appropriate poem today for Valentine's Day ... truly another Message of Hope... When two hearts are joined as one They always will be linked. The bonds that do connect you Can never be extinct. For love’s a potent energy. It’s resonance is great. And when you share that power, [...]

You are so very loved.

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