The Daily Way

Poem #178 – Playing Possum

2010-01-14T18:24:49-05:00January 14th, 2010|

Such caring lies there in the heart Just waiting to be free. Open up the lock With your thoughts as the key. By holding back love You withhold your true self, And therein miss out On the greatest of wealth. Forgiveness and kindness Are ways to show love. Compassion and [...]

Poem #177 – Knock Down the Walls

2010-01-13T18:26:08-05:00January 13th, 2010|

Free as a bird that soars so high Your spirit longs to fly. Yet kept locked in its prison there, It doesn’t get to try. How sad that you should think you’re stuck – Nowhere that you can go. When, in truth, your spirit’s free The universe to know. Don’t [...]

Poem #176

2010-01-12T18:27:04-05:00January 12th, 2010|

Well, friends, I just write down what I hear. Today's is a strange one. I've said it before: I'm no poet, so this one's open for interpretation... (Some of you will recognize this voice) Creep, creep, like the vine Slowly crawling back in time… Hark! Who goes there? Who’s that [...]

Poem #175 – Walking Lighter

2010-01-11T18:27:53-05:00January 11th, 2010|

Oh so cumbersome, the burden you bear. The weight, it wears you down. Trodding, plodding with this boulder on your back, Upon your face a constant frown. You think you walk alone in pain But this is far from true. If you would only call for help, Much peace would [...]

Poem #174 – As Close as Your Thoughts

2010-01-10T18:28:49-05:00January 10th, 2010|

Starry, starry night. Glitter in the sky. Distant planets twinkling… Light from years gone by. Such distance does divide you From the light which you do see. It’s hard for you to fathom Another galaxy. But as you gaze upon the planets Do not think that we lie there. We’re [...]

Poem #172 – On Prayer

2010-01-08T19:10:44-05:00January 8th, 2010|

Stormy nights … thunder claps. Children huddle in their beds. Mommies and daddies sit at their side Stroking their round, silky heads. Comfort comes in many forms… A tender caress, a whispered voice. Whether or not you find relief, This is a personal choice. So many people feel they’re alone [...]

Poem #171 – Through the Glass

2010-01-07T19:11:38-05:00January 7th, 2010|

Look upon the window. See the shiny glass. Just like that through which you go When to our world you pass. It’s like a one-way mirror-- That which you look through. You look but cannot see us But we certainly see you. We’re with you when you call us. We [...]

Poem #170 – Holiest of Holies

2010-01-06T19:12:29-05:00January 6th, 2010|

Holiest of holies This you call your God. For He is there to guide you… Your thoughts He gives a prod. Do not fail to worship this, Your inner guiding force, For most certainly is holy… The Universal Source. You call God “He” But mistake this not, No one set [...]

Poem #169

2010-01-05T19:13:18-05:00January 5th, 2010|

An unusual free-flowing style today, as if a new poet was feeling the way... Seeds of wisdom Blowing in the wind Like dandelion feathers. Catch them in the breeze If you please. Hold them in your palm. Feel the overwhelming calm. That flows through every fiber… Such a delight It [...]

Poem #168 – Blessed are the Children

2010-01-04T19:14:15-05:00January 4th, 2010|

Blessed are the children. So innocent are they. They know nothing of worries. They simply want to play. Watch them as they run and shout. See the glee upon their faces. Dashing ‘round like dervishes, Playing hopscotch, running races. Oh, such innocence, If only it would last. But childhood is [...]

Poem #167 – The Rhythm of Life

2010-01-03T19:15:25-05:00January 3rd, 2010|

Silently you wait Afraid of the dawn. Great mystery surrounds the day. What will happen When the sun rises? You can only sit and pray. Have faith that in the light The proper path will be shown. Solutions await But as yet go unknown. If all were revealed There’d be [...]

Poems #165 and #166

2010-01-02T19:16:20-05:00January 2nd, 2010|

A friend who stressed the comfort these poems bring suggested I compile some of the best poems into a booklet to give to children’s hospitals and hospices (and how about veterans’ hospitals, too?) The idea, I think, was inspired. It’s perfect. I can see “Messages of Hope, Vol I” in [...]

Poem #164 – Dark vs. Light

2010-01-01T19:17:52-05:00January 1st, 2010|

Happy new year! May 2010 be filled with love and brightness ... Black as a crow, Dark as the night, Why is it darkness Does fill you with fright? You’ve learned from your birth That there’s good and there’s bad. There’s hot and there’s cold, Just as there’s happy and [...]

Poem #163 – The Flame Within

2009-12-31T17:11:56-05:00December 31st, 2009|

Singe not the fraying ends That leave a hanging thread. A tiny imperfection Is nothing you should dread. You seek to reach perfection But it’s a lofty goal. And when you fail to reach it, You’re left feeling less than whole. Just know that deep inside you There lies a [...]

Poem #162 – The Breath of Life

2009-12-30T17:13:47-05:00December 30th, 2009|

Mars, Venus, Pluto, Uranus… Planets far from yours. They have not the grass and plants Through which the oxygen pours. Barren places, lacking life, So far from the sun. But life has been a part of earth Since time there was begun. But what is life? Does it grow From [...]

Poem #161 – On Challenges

2009-12-29T17:14:35-05:00December 29th, 2009|

Every man must face a challenge In every cycle of his life. For in your world of comforts There must come some times of strife. How you face up to the struggles Is part of your big test, For the one who sees these eagerly Will rise about the rest. [...]

Poem #160 – Pack Your Bags With Love

2009-12-28T17:16:23-05:00December 28th, 2009|

An interesting experience today. After a conversation with a neighbor last night, I thought today’s poem would be about dealing with hardship. I pushed the poem in that direction and it just wasn’t working. The poets kindly chastised me for trying to be active instead of passive, and they made [...]

Poem #159 – On Cooperation

2009-12-27T17:17:26-05:00December 27th, 2009|

Forests filled with leaves and twigs So thick they block the sky. The filtered light it trickles through To meet the wandering eye. Nature has such miracles They’re everywhere you look. In them you’ll find the face of God If often time you took. A tiny ant that marches on [...]

Poem #158 – Folly

2009-12-26T17:18:14-05:00December 26th, 2009|

I love not knowing what the topic of each day's poem is going to be. This morning I found myself sitting up straight as could be and felt an in-charge masculine presence which I recognized from previous visits. His language was quite different and forceful. After the first few lines [...]

Poem #157 – Nothing to Fear

2009-12-25T17:19:25-05:00December 25th, 2009|

Merrry Christmas to all. May you be surrounded by love today and give back as much as you get ... Today's poem comes with a huge dose of love to get you started: Begin as you always do, With a deep breath. For today’s topic’s a deep one: This thing [...]

Poem #156 – For Christmas Eve

2009-12-24T17:21:03-05:00December 24th, 2009|

I felt a “light” and loving presence, then heard: Good morning. We have come to guide you in a song of sorts… A choir of angels sings on high. Glory, glory in the heavens. Oh, such praises they do bring. With great happiness they sing. For unto you is born [...]

Poem #155 – You Can’t Rush Growth

2009-12-23T17:22:22-05:00December 23rd, 2009|

A quick note before today's poem to acknowledge Lois Anne and Jennifer, two beautiful souls whose comments each day are as insightful and beautiful as the poems. Thank you so much for your efforts. I love knowing that others are enjoying the poems, too. And now, #155: See the mighty [...]

Poem #154 – Innocence

2009-12-22T17:23:03-05:00December 22nd, 2009|

Hear the little children’s voices. So sweetly they do sing. The happiness that’s in their hearts Has a wondrous message to bring. Small children are so innocent. They have not learned to hate. If you could only turn back time, How grand would be your state. No fear, no judgment, [...]

Poem #153 – The Power of Words

2009-12-21T17:23:39-05:00December 21st, 2009|

You create with your voice. You always have a choice How you will affect your day With the words you choose to say. Will you speak with kindness? Or speak as if with blindness? Use your words to soothe and charm? Or to others bring some harm? Man has been [...]

Poem #152 – Your True Self

2009-12-20T17:24:16-05:00December 20th, 2009|

Sitting in the silence Is the way to know yourself. There beyond the chatter Is a world of formless wealth. For it’s not the things you buy That will lead to lasting peace, But the things you learn in silence That will bring you great release. So many fail to [...]

Poem #151 – What is Real?

2009-12-19T17:25:09-05:00December 19th, 2009|

So be it, That you shall die. Tis nothing but a passage… The blink of an eye. Worry not That this world you shall leave. A new life awaits you. This you can believe. Your world’s an illusion. Not at all as it seems. To understand it more clearly, Simply [...]

Poem #150 – In the Details

2009-12-18T17:25:52-05:00December 18th, 2009|

Sit down on your haunches. Contemplate the grass. Pick up a single blade, And let it through your fingers pass. Feel the tiny ridges That are so hard to detect. And then upon this feeling Take a moment to reflect. These tiny details pass before you In oh so many [...]

Poem #149 – The Highest Vibration

2009-12-17T17:26:38-05:00December 17th, 2009|

Radiate … Send energy out. Feel it swirling all about. This, inside, is your true state. At times to rise, and then abate. It’s with your thoughts that you control The energy level as a whole. What feels good are waves so fine. What feels bad is far from divine. [...]

Poem #148 – The Jewel Inside You

2009-12-16T17:27:20-05:00December 16th, 2009|

A little background on this one... a few years ago on a long hypnotic drive, a wonderful acronym came to me as a way to describe our essence. I filed it away in my brain and never did anything with it, although I knew it would surface again some time. [...]

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