
About Suzanne Giesemann

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So far Suzanne Giesemann has created 5042 blog entries.

A New Day

2010-11-02T12:10:00-04:00November 2nd, 2010|

Turn the page and begin with a clean sheet. Is this not how you begin each day? Sleep is a time to rejuvenate the body, but also a time to make a clean break from the thoughts and actions of the previous day. The previous day is gone. It exists [...]

Prayers are Heard

2010-11-01T11:49:00-04:00November 1st, 2010|

Know that every one of you who walks upon the earth is cradled in the arms of angels. Never are you not cared for or watched over. Know that when one suffers, we are at your side, holding your hand. God forsakes no one, for God is the loving Force [...]

In the flow … now

2010-10-31T12:42:00-04:00October 31st, 2010|

Look not always toward the future, nor focus on the past. You live only in the present moment. This is all you have. You cause yourself needless worry wondering what will happen days and weeks from now. Realize that you are the creator of now. As a creator, each now [...]

The Spectrum of Reality

2010-10-30T11:29:00-04:00October 30th, 2010|

What is reality? Do you think you have the answer? To you, what is real is that which you perceive. Do your dreams not feel real to you whilst you are dreaming? In that moment, that is your reality. Your dreams elicit emotions just as those in what you call [...]

The Power of Belief

2010-10-29T11:37:00-04:00October 29th, 2010|

Belief makes all things possible. When you were a child and you lost a tooth, were not fairies real? When you no longer needed fairies or a white bearded man to bring you gifts, you moved on to believing in other things. What do you believe in now? Do you [...]

Loving Intelligence

2010-10-28T11:36:00-04:00October 28th, 2010|

There is a connection between every living thing. You do not need a heartbeat to feel it. Simply look at the beauty of nature—the intricate design of tiny plants, the marvelous physiology of the animal kingdom, the perfection of the human body … Imagine the brilliance of the Mind that [...]

Never Alone

2010-10-27T10:51:00-04:00October 27th, 2010|

Never fear that you’re alone.It matters not how far from home.Whether you’re around or distantOf this point we are insistent—You’re always linked within the mind.Here the connection you will find.You only THINK you need the touch,But this truly matters not so much.Close your eyes and picture clearlyThose you hold forever [...]

On “Allowing”

2010-10-26T12:08:00-04:00October 26th, 2010|

Note from Suzanne: This morning I posed a question to Sanaya from a friend: “How should we allow what is, without at the same time becoming passive in our lives to events?” You must first recognize that the act of allowing does not mean that you condone all that you [...]

Never Apart

2010-10-25T11:43:00-04:00October 25th, 2010|

It is in doing nothingThat you accomplish the most,And not from the achievementsOf which you do boast.It’s the act of non-doingThat makes activity cease,And there—in not tryingDo your thoughts you release.When the mind wants to wanderIt’s then you stand still.You can quiet it notWith the force of your will.Focus then [...]

Like the Master

2010-10-24T12:55:00-04:00October 24th, 2010|

Jesus is the one so many of you worship—and for good reason. He is one who walked upon your earth, cloaked in human vestments, yet one who understood the truth—that man is God with a body. “I and the Father are one,” said the Nazarene. But did he not also [...]

Be the Spark

2010-10-23T12:58:00-04:00October 23rd, 2010|

Repetition is a necessary element of learning. Do not your beliefs become cemented in the subconscious mind through repeated exposure? For many years you have told yourself the same falsehoods—that you are a separate individual with no connection to those around you. And so it is that we now repeat [...]

The Flow of Money

2010-10-22T11:33:00-04:00October 22nd, 2010|

Money flows as does your breath—ever in and out. When you hold your breath, soon you gasp and need to take in more. When you hold onto your money, afraid to spend it, you are expressing fear. Money is energy, as is all else in your world. Allow it to [...]

There, Just Waiting

2010-10-21T11:18:00-04:00October 21st, 2010|

Two cars, a house, and a cat—Can you imagine a life like that?It seems to be the American dreamBut are those inside as content as they seem?Be wary of placing great value on things.Know, instead, that which happiness brings.It’s the spirit inside that is with you right now—Waiting to make [...]

Order Amidst Chaos

2010-10-20T11:19:00-04:00October 20th, 2010|

Watch the weather patterns. See how they change and how unpredictable they are when you look any farther forward than a few days of your time. Yet, in the unpredictability, do you not also see predictable patterns? Your weather repeats itself in predictable cycles … reliable patterns which allow you [...]

Eternal Patience

2010-10-19T12:37:00-04:00October 19th, 2010|

You say that patience is a virtue. Why is this? Because those who are inpatient do not truly understand the truths of the spirit. Impatience is an attribute of your world only—for only in your world do you experience time and the false illusion that there is not enough time. [...]

The Ups and Downs of Life

2010-10-18T10:02:00-04:00October 18th, 2010|

Behold the ever-changing landscape of your life. What you first traversed as mountains, over time and distance flattened into smaller hills with fewer valleys. Soon, as you continue along your path, you will walk quietly through fields of fragrant flowers, traveling with ease. This is the path of life. Rarely [...]

Crying Out For Love

2010-10-17T11:56:00-04:00October 17th, 2010|

Babies cry when they need attention. Some things do not change as you grow older. Do you not cry out for attention, only not necessarily always with tears? So many acts which are contrary to your true nature as the expression of Spirit are merely cries for attention. Substitute the [...]

When it Itches

2010-10-16T12:06:00-04:00October 16th, 2010|

What is an itch, but an irritation—a knocking at the door of your consciousness that something needs attention. “Scratch me,” it says. “Take care of me now.” It is a physical attention-grabber, but are you not given mental itches throughout your day? Pay attention to the subtle itches in your [...]

Beyond the Brain

2010-10-15T12:04:00-04:00October 15th, 2010|

Whether near or far, your loved ones are never any farther than your thoughts. Do you hear the chime of a bell when someone comes to your door? This is like unto what we experience when you think of us in our world of pure energy. You—as a spirit-being in [...]

Arise From the Depths

2010-10-14T11:01:00-04:00October 14th, 2010|

You beat the chest and declare, “Am I not great? Do you see how special I am? Better than the others, and you had better recognize this!” From where does this need to feel special arise? From the illusion of separation. If you were to understand that all beings are [...]

Come Out of Your Shell

2010-10-13T11:36:00-04:00October 13th, 2010|

Homebound … a word you use for those who must remain within the boundaries of a physical dwelling. Some feel trapped in this state, for they cannot exercise their freedom to get out and about and interact with the world. Many are homebound in a different sense and do not [...]

Food for the Soul

2010-10-12T12:32:00-04:00October 12th, 2010|

“There is nothing new under the sun” – yet another of your expressions. Nothing that we say to you here may strike you as new or novel. In fact, much may seem quite repetitious. There is a method in our madness. Through the repetition, the ideas are cemented in your [...]

Knowing Right From Wrong

2010-10-11T10:52:00-04:00October 11th, 2010|

You can kill the body, but you cannot kill the soul. The spirit is eternal. When one takes the life of another deliberately, there is always payment at a soul level. Judgment comes not from a vengeful deity, but from within the self-same soul. Judge not another, for that other [...]

Rest and Worship

2010-10-10T11:20:00-04:00October 10th, 2010|

And so it is the day you call Sunday—merely a convenience to mark the passage of moments. One day is no different than another … one moment no different than the next. But this “Sunday” is special to many, for they have chosen this day to rest and to honor [...]

Under Pressure

2010-10-09T11:51:00-04:00October 9th, 2010|

Take a cap off a bottle and hear the hiss of escaping air. What causes this eruption, but a build-up of pressure under the lid. And do you not do the same thing? Do you not at times open your mouth and emit a loud hiss? The hiss at times [...]

Welcome the Sunrise

2010-10-08T12:15:00-04:00October 8th, 2010|

We wish to congratulate you on another day of living. Your very presence here, and the fact that you opened your eyes this morning, reveals the desire of your soul to grow. If you had no more lessons to learn here on earth, you would have no reason to repeat [...]

Creating Castles

2010-10-07T11:12:00-04:00October 7th, 2010|

(In meditation this morning I saw a clear image of a Cinderella-like castle. I asked why I was seeing this image and heard the following …)You see castles in the skyYet know not why.They are there for the takingFor it is you who are makingThese images appearFrom far and near [...]

On Criticism

2010-10-06T11:35:00-04:00October 6th, 2010|

Criticism ... a deeper, more harmful form of judgment. When you judge, you are, in effect, looking at another and saying, “You and I are separate.” When you judge, you see the differences instead of that which binds you—the Spirit, which is pure love at its essence.Criticism is far more [...]

Shifting Realities

2010-10-05T11:07:00-04:00October 5th, 2010|

Your loved ones watch over you. This, many of you suspect, but you look for proof. “How can you prove that which you cannot touch?” This, the skeptics among you ask. But those of you more prone to sensing, those of you who understand the meaning of faith and the [...]


2010-10-04T11:13:00-04:00October 4th, 2010|

The lesson for today is faith. There is a world of difference between your world and ours—between the physical world in which you now walk and our world or pure spirit. Your scientists may try as they may to prove the existence of a spirit world, but always they will [...]

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